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“That I was being ridiculous and that if I loved him, I wouldn’t pressure him.” We both roll our eyes. “I told him what I want and if he can’t give it to me then I don’t see the point of us staying together. And then I gave him his ring back and I packed my bags.”

My eyes go wide. “What? No way. I’m so proud of you.”

“Well um…I was wondering….do you have room for me on your couch just until I find something. I have a little money saved, but the apartment is in Matt’s name, and I can’t stay there.” Matt and Tina rent an apartment, but they don’t even sleep in the same bed. He says they were breaking enough rules by living together.

“Of course. What about your job?”

She shakes her head. “I quit.”

“You loved that place.” Tina was working as assistant manager at a hotel.

“Not really. I liked it because I got an hour lunch that I could spend with Matt and we would have gotten a great discount on the ballroom when we got married but I feel stupid and relieved. I felt like there was something wrong with me, but I see now its him with the problem.”

“Good. You deserve to be happy.”

I give her the key to the apartment and tell her to go make herself at home.

The rest of my day is going great until the door dings and Sawyer walks in with a little girl. My breath catches in my throat. She’s a spitting image of him. Sharing his dark hair and dewy green eyes. “Hey,” his voice comes out low and my body quivers at the freaking sound. Why does this man make me so damn crazy? I immediately look at his left hand for a wedding band and smile to myself when I don’t see one but that doesn’t mean he isn’t married or involved. I have to be careful with him.

“Who is this?”

“This is my daughter, Thea.”

“Hi, Thea, my name is Camreigh, are you here for a cookie or a cupcake maybe?” The adorable child looks up at her dad.

“Actually, we came to tell you that we are cooking you dinner. What time do you get off?”

“Um...what?!” Did he just tell me that he was making me dinner with his kid?

“What time should we have dinner ready?”

“Uh…” I feel completely on the spot. I know I was just bitching about him not coming around, but this is too much too soon. Though I guess at some point he is going to figure things out. Maybe I can go and see how he is with his daughter and take things from there. “I get off at four but need to take care of a few things after. My best friend is here and going to be staying with me. I don’t want to just abandon her.”

“Bring her along. Do you remember where I live?”

“I think so…,” I trail off feeling so confused by this man.

“Good.” He winks at me then squats down to his daughter. “Pick whatever you want but you can’t have any until after dinner.”

She moves to the glass display wearing these cute little white sandals with bows on the front and a purple dress. Her tiny hands press on the glass making fingerprints, but I don’t mind it. “Dis’un.” She points to a double chocolate fudge cake with white chocolate flowers on it. Kid has good taste.

I put the cake into a box and ring them up. Sawyer sends Thea to a table to wait while he pays.

“So um…should I bring anything?”

“Just yourself.”

“You don’t mind if I bring Tina?”

“Nah, I’ll invite Vegas.” I smirk at that. Tina won’t know what to do with that man.


“We’re going to dinner with who?”

“I know it sounds crazy. And no, I haven’t told him that I am having his baby. He just sort of showed up to help me move in and he remembered me, and one thing led to another and we had sex again three times.”

My best friend starts laughing. “He must have devil dick.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard BRRMC Roadhouse Tales Erotic