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“The opportunity to become better acquainted with you, or rather, with Nicole Aldridge, not Alden Stoddard. The right to call on you with some

degree of frequency. In this sitting room, under my watchful eye.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “And how did you respond?”

“I intended to refuse. But the marquis was very convincing.”

“Convincing.” Nicole moistened her lips. “In what way?”

“Let’s just say that either the man is the most accomplished of liars, or he genuinely cares for you—whatever, in his realm of thinking, ‘caring’ means. Based on what I’ve seen of bluebloods, I remain wary. Only time will tell if my misgivings are unfounded where Tyreham is concerned. The important thing is I believe he’s sincere about not meaning to hurt you. He was also entirely honorable in his approach. After hearing him out, I relented—a bit—agreeing only to his first visit. From there on, I reserve judgment.”

“Thank you, Papa.” Nicole kissed his cheek

“Don’t thank me yet,” Nick said gruffly. “I’m far from reassured, because, no matter how sincere Tyreham is, his good intentions can’t eliminate the obstacles that, as you yourself pointed out, are vast. Nor can they alter the glaring contrast between your way of life and his.” Nick scowled. “In any case, once I’ve had the chance to think and to personally assess Tyreham’s behavior toward you, I might very well revert to my original impulse, to toss him out and barricade the doors. The marquis might be a very persuasive man, which he is about many things, but so am I.”

Her father’s last statement brought Nicole up short. “About many things,” she repeated. “Are you referring to the blackmail situation?”

A reluctant nod.

“Papa, don’t shield me. I’m as involved as you are. What did you and Dustin discuss?”

“Lord Tyreham is determined to uncover the entire scheme, complete with whoever’s at its helm.”

Fear gripped Nicole’s stomach. “Won’t that endanger you?”

“Not the way the marquis intends to handle it.” Her father’s gaze met hers, and he gave a resigned sigh. “Very well, Nickie. I’ll tell you the rest. The last thing I want is for you to worry. Lord Tyreham’s plan consists of his doing the probing while I stay in hiding and supply him with details, at least those I’m aware of, such as the names of crooked jockeys and occasions when they threw their races. I’ve compiled a list. I’ll give it to him this afternoon. He intends to ride to Suffolk first thing tomorrow to see Sully and, if possible, to add to my list. After which, he means to call on the necessary parties.”

Nicole’s fear intensified. “Those steps can hardly be kept secret, especially in light of Dustin’s reputation on the turf. The entire racing circuit will be buzzing with news of his investigation. He’ll be a walking target.”

“That’s what he’s counting on. He wants to lure the lowlifes who threatened him back so he can follow them to their employer, then expose him. By the way, Tyreham and I compared descriptions. The men who warned him away from me are the same ones who tried blackmailing me and, doubtless, the same ones who left me that friendly greeting on Oberon’s stall.”

“I assumed as much.” Nicole clutched her father’s forearms. “Papa, this whole thing scares me to death. Maybe we should just leave matters alone, stay in hiding until more time has passed. Then you and Lord Tyreham will both be safe.”

“Stay in hiding?” Nick teased gently, patting her cheek. “And have you replace me on the turf? Never.” Seeing her ashen expression, he sobered. “Nickie, this situation won’t go away by itself. We have to put a stop to it. Now.”

“I know.” With a small nod, Nicole relented, realizing there was no choice, terrified by the prospect.

“Go have that bath of yours. The marquis will be arriving in less than an hour.”

“All right.” Uneasily, Nicole made her way from the kitchen, up the stairs to her room. Leaning against the door, she battled the apprehension that knotted her gut, reassured herself that fate would intercede and set things right.

But fate alone was too mercurial, its path too uncertain.

It needed wishes to fortify its magic.

Instinctively, Nicole’s hand slid into her pocket, extracting her wishing locket and placing it in her palm. With infinite love, she traced the pattern etched into the burnished silver, recalling that special night fifteen years ago when she’d held the necklace for the first time.

Do you like it, Nickie?

Oh, Mama, it’s beautiful. Is there a photograph inside?

No, darling, there’s a far greater treasure kept tight within this locket’s walls.

What is it? Oh, Mama, let me see.

Nicole smiled softly, remembering how she’d fumbled with the catch, mastering it at last and tugging it free.

Acute disappointment had surged through her five-year-old heart when she’d found the locket to be empty.

Tags: Andrea Kane Kingsleys in Love Historical