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Nicole’s gaze snapped back to his. “Do you mind?”

“I don’t know. Should I?”

A heartbeat of silence ensued.

“Nickie,” her father said quietly, “we need to have a talk.” He glanced at the grandfather clock standing just outside the sitting room.

“I’m filthy, Papa.” Nicole blurted out the first excuse that came to mind. Her feelings about Dustin were too raw, too baffling to discuss, especially with her protective—and opinionated—father. “I need a bath. Also, I’m famished. Why, I believe I could even manage to swallow one or two of my scones.”

“Given the amount of food Lord Tyreham stocked the cottage with, we can find something more substantial and far better tasting for you to eat than your scones.” Her father’s tone told her he was unfooled by her attempts at evasion. “We’ll talk while you eat. You’ll have more than enough time to bathe before your guest arrives.”

Like a condemned prisoner, Nicole nodded, following her father into the kitchen.

What in God’s name was she going to tell him when she herself didn’t understand these careening emotions, much less how to squelch them?

Frowning, Nicole filled a plate with cold chicken and apple pudding. More unsettling still, what had Dustin said to pique her father’s curiosity?

Apparently, she was about to find out.

Her appetite gone, Nicole leaned against the counter, nibbling at her meal and trying to swallow past the lump in her throat. “This is delicious,” she announced, pushing the food about on her plate.

“Yes it is. Although I’m surprised you noticed, given you’ve scarcely downed two mouthfuls.” Her father folded his arms across his chest and faced Nicole squarely—a decisive gesture she’d seen him use countless times with others, rarely with her. “Tell me about Lord Tyreham and your feelings toward him.”

Nicole stopped chewing. “What did Dustin tell you?”

“That’s the second time you’ve referred to your employer by his given name. When did you become so well acquainted?”

She could actually feel her cheeks flame. “I explained to you that when Lord Tyreham and I met, he introduced himself only as Dustin—not out of disrespect or because he was making advances,” she added hastily, “but because I’d only supplied him with my given name. Which, as you can guess, was to conceal my identity. He merely responded in kind. So that explains why I occasionally slip and refer to him as Dustin.”

“I see. Does that also explain why you refuse to meet my eyes and are blushing profusely?”

Nicole’s flush deepened. “If you’re worried about my jeopardizing my disguise, don’t be. I’m very mindful that Alden Stoddard addresses Lord Tyreham by title.”

“How reassuring,” her father returned dryly. “But it isn’t Stoddard’s welfare that’s troubling me. It’s my daughter’s. A daughter, I might add, who has never been less than straightforward with me.”

Sighing, Nicole gave up all semblance of eating … and hedging. “Papa, it might seem otherwise, but I’m not intentionally keeping anything from you. I’m just not certain how to respond.”

“Respond with the truth. Do you have feelings for this man?”

“I don’t know.” Nicole shook her head in frustration. “I shouldn’t. I can’t.”

“But you do,” Nick concluded.

“Yes,” Nicole whispered. “I do.” She stared out the window. “Papa, right now I’m fighting to keep you safe. Until this ordeal is over, I haven’t the strength to contend with emotional upheaval. And that’s precisely what giving in to my attraction for Dustin Kingsley would be. I can’t do it—not now. Maybe never. He and I are worlds apart not only in social position but in values, in ways of life. The complications are vast, possibly insurmountable.”

“True. Yet, knowing all this, you invited him for tea.”

Her lashes lowered. “I can’t explain it.”

“I believe you just did.” Nick crossed over, lifting Nicole’s chin with his forefinger. “There’s a voice inside me commanding me to forbid you from associating with a man whose reputation is as black as Tyreham’s. A man who’s not only a womanizer but an aristocrat whose life is far removed from the one you know, and who has the wealth and power to break your heart without ever breaking stride. But judging from what you just said, you’re already aware of who he is and what’s at stake.”

“I do—in here.” Nicole tapped her head. “Unfortunately, I can’t seem to convince my heart to be equally as pragmatic.”

“So I gathered.” Nick appeared to weigh his options, and his words. “I know I can’t keep you a child forever. However, nor can I stand by and watch you get hurt. Therefore, I’ll honor Lord Tyreham’s visit. As for his request, that remains to be seen. Now go have that bath. Should your guest arrive early, which I strongly suspect he might, I’ll entertain him.”

His request?

Nicole blinked, comprehending that whatever permission Dustin had sought clearly involved more than an invitation to tea. “Exactly what is it Lord Tyreham requested?” she asked cautiously.

Tags: Andrea Kane Kingsleys in Love Historical