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“I’m sure it’s going to be fine.”

“I hope so. I don’t know why some days I seem to cook the most amazing food, like ever. And now, this. Look, I’m not trying to kill her, I promise.”

“Food is food.” He scooped out a bowl and had a taste. “It’s not too bad. Stop being so hard on yourself.”

He left Jade to clean up the mess and found Tulip slumped in the chair.

Of course she looked red in the face but it didn’t detract from her beauty. She really was stunning to look at.

He sat back in his chair and she lifted her head. The shiner on her face glared back at him.

“My head hurts.”

“I’ll get you some painkillers, as soon as you eat something.”

“There you are, so bossy.”

“It runs in my DNA.”

“Yeah, well, if I was a witch, I’d curse your entire bloodline.”

“We’re already cursed.”

She blew a raspberry. “You’re cursed to now the woman you love. Such a bad curse, love.”

“It is actually.”


“Yeah. If you don’t think love is bad, you’re fucking delusional. Love is the end of the world. it’s fucking horrible. We’re at their mercy. I know who my true love is but the woman doesn’t have a clue. There’s no feeling there for her. I have to create it and if I don’t, I risk losing her.”

“You already had your love,” she said.

“Exactly, I had Sarah and she died. For a short time, I thought I wanted to die.”

“And now?”

“Now, there’s you.”

“Are you trying to tell me you’ve got feelings for me?” she asked.

He didn’t answer. Dipping the spoon into the bowl, he lifted some up. “I’m not going to lie, this tastes like shit.” He’d lied to Jade. “Her cooking is hit or miss.”

Tulip took some of the soup and scrunched up her nose. “That’s poison.”

“It’s not. Food is food, and you’re going to need it to keep your strength up.”

“I’ll eat more when you tell me the truth. You’re in love with me?”

He stared at her, wondering how best to word exactly how he felt, but there was no way to describe it. No subtle way to let her know she wasn’t going anywhere but be at his side for the rest of her life.

“Yes,” he said.

“You’re kidding, right? There’s no way you’re in love with me. You don’t even know me.”

“I do know you.”

“No, you think you know me. Who you really know is Sarah. The girl I look like.”

Tags: Sam Crescent The Denton Family Legacy Romance