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“He called a month ago asking if you had changed your mind about selling,” Dave continued. Before Adam’s passing, Dave owned a finance company, but he’d retired after the funeral and sold it. Dave knew people in the business world that Peyton didn’t. And he’d wanted Adam’s dreams to live on too. “George’s company’s views are right in line with Adam’s. And he has promised me they will create a charity in Adam’s name.”

“Really?” Peyton asked, her heart squeezing in her chest.

Again, Dave nodded. “I’ll get everything written into a contract. We’ll make sure they do right by Adam. If you’re ready to sell now, of course.”

Amy smiled, squeezing Peyton’s hand. “You’ve done really well, handling all this for Adam, but it’s time to let go and move on.”

Peyton glanced at Boone.

He stayed silent, watching her carefully.

Just a little over a month ago, she felt entirely alone. The thought of blending her past and future had seemed so scary. Now she had no idea why she’d been so afraid. She turned back to Amy and Dave again. “If you’re good with the sale, then so am I.”

Dave gave a nod. “Once I have everything firmed up, I’ll reach out. I’m also looking into Justin’s contract. Apparently Adam included a morals clause. We’ll have to figure out the details, but I’m determined to make sure Justin walks away with nothing.”

Peyton took a deep breath. “Thank you, Dave.” She stared at these two people who were such a big part of her life for so long. “Whenever you can, come to Stoney Creek for a visit. You’ll really love it out there, Amy.”

Amy’s eyes widened and a tear fell down her cheek. “Oh, that would mean so much to us.”

It occurred to Peyton then that Amy hadn’t only lost a son, she’d lost Peyton too. For a split second, a sharp pain stabbed her chest. She felt shameful for shutting them out of her life. Until she remembered all she’d been through. No more sadness. No more grief. She would just do better moving forward. She glanced at Boone, then held out her hand. “Can we get out of here now?”

He smiled, took her hand, tugged her close, and kissed her forehead. “Yeah, sweetheart, let’s get this all behind us.”

She smiled, and was so happy to look up and see Amy and Dave smiling back.

Chapter 19

Earlier this morning, Boone had woken with Peyton tucked into his arms in the hotel bed. He hadn’t wanted to move, not wanting her to face the shit she had to face with Justin. Until he saw the determination in her eyes and knew she needed this closure. A very big part of him wanted her nowhere near the man who’d tried to have her killed. The other part of him forced himself to shut up about what he wanted and became determined to support her until the end.

Now, with Justin behind bars for the moment, Boone embraced the calmness as he sat next to Peyton at Kerry Park beneath a huge shade tree. The park seemed plucked out of a wilderness area and planted in the center of the city. His arm was around Peyton while she held her cell phone up FaceTiming Kinsley. For the last ten minutes, Peyton had filled his sister in on everything that unfolded today, including seeing Adam’s parents and deciding to sell the company.

When Peyton finally finished, Kinsley bit off, “I can’t fucking believe it.” She rubbed her arms like ants were crawling up them. “And you honestly think Justin came to town because he was checking to see if you were dead or not?”

Boone shrugged. “Why else would he have come? He must have wanted confirmation, then realized the right person hadn’t been killed.”

Peyton cringed. “I’m trying really hard not to think about that.”

“Sorry.” Boone tugged her closer, kissing the side of her head.

“Ew. I mean, I am so grossed out right now it’s not even funny.” Kinsley shook out her hands. “I slept with that snake.”

Boone snatched the phone from Peyton and frowned. “You what?”

“You’re sleeping with my friend,” Kinsley shot back, glaring at him. “So you can stop it with the angry eyes. I didn’t know he was a psychopath.”

Peyton laughed softly. “It’s fine,” she said, plucking the phone out of his hands. “You’re a grown woman and can do what—and whoever—you like, even if they turn out to be murderers.”

Boone turned his frown on Peyton now. “I highly disagree with that statement.” He took the phone away again and stared into Kinsley’s hard eyes. “Never sleep with anyone that I haven’t vetted first. Have I taught you nothing?”

Kinsley gave him an are-you-kidding-me look. “You will never vet a single person I sleep with, because that’s just gross.” She paused, her brow furrowing. “Wait. Have you vetted my ex-boyfriends?”

Boone wisely handed the phone back to Peyton.

“Boone,” Kinsley yelled.

“I’ll make sure he never does that again,” Peyton said to him seriously before looking at Kinsley again. “Promise.”

They could both try. He’d never feel bad about taking that extra step to protect them, especially after this.

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Dangerous Love Romance