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“Thank you,” she said with clear gratitude and gave him that sexy smile again.

Christ. His cock twitched. What inappropriate timing. But that smile unraveled him. Every damn time.

“Come on, Peyton.” Asher suddenly sidled up next to Boone. “Let’s go make sure Kinsley isn’t puking in your flowerpots. I’ll drive you both back to her place and take your statements there.”

“Great,” Peyton said, all too calmly.

At that, Asher’s brows furrowed. Boone understood perfectly. Her calmness wasn’t typical and that raised questions that needed answering. While he was pretty sure that Peyton had nothing to do with this murder, there was a dead body in her shop, and her reactions were unusual.

She turned her smile onto Boone again. “Bye.”

He nodded his goodbye, watching her carefully as she strode away, leaving a trail of her sugary-scented perfume. That scent. That ass. Those damn pretty eyes had him itching to slide one hand along her back and yank her tight to him, while the other tangled into her hair as he kissed her, until she went all soft against him. All of which was entirely inappropriate.

When she reached the door, she turned and gave him a loaded look. Then she was gone, with Asher walking behind her.

Peyton had secrets. Whether those secrets related to the murdered victim on the floor of her shop or not was something he would find out.

Boone hadn’t had a cold case for over two years. He didn’t intend to break his record now.

Chapter 2

Three hours later, with her hair dripping wet against her back, Peyton got out of the claw-foot bathtub after washing off the horror of the morning. Asher had driven them back to Kinsley’s house in his big, loud truck, and took Peyton’s statement while they sat in the living room of Kinsley’s home. He’d spent a good half hour asking questions that got him “I don’t know” answers. He obviously realized Peyton knew nothing and he sent her on her way. After that, he began interviewing Kinsley, taping the entire thing and taking notes, probably getting more “I don’t know” answers. Poor guy.

Dressed, and wishing her sundress were comfy pajamas, Peyton strode down the narrow hallway full of old century charm. The soft yellow paint on the walls led to white baseboards and worn hardwood floors. There were photographs on the walls of the Knight family, both Kinsley’s and Boone’s faces adorning the hallway. Peyton didn’t know much about their parents, but she got the feeling this was originally their house, not Kinsley’s.

Moving on down the hallway, Peyton passed a bedroom with a white metal-framed headboard with a flower-patterned duvet. The bed was set in between two large windows with white sheer curtains on either side. When she came to the next room, curiosity led her inside. Against the far wall was a newel post bed and on the opposite were awards resting on shelves.



An award for baseball. Another one for football. She ran her fingers over the gold plaque on each award and smiled. Boone had apparently been quite the athlete as a kid. Which she supposed wasn’t too shocking with that hot bod of his. The man was a six-foot-two gorgeous distraction.

He also happened to be the man Peyton had been neatly avoiding.

Not because she didn’t want him. God, did she want him. The attraction was there and strong, and for reasons unknown to her, she couldn’t seem to help herself where it came to him. But, still, Adam had only been gone a year. The last thing she wanted to do was lead anyone on. She couldn’t be the girlfriend, the future wife, or the mother of anyone’s children. She wasn’t ready to move on, not by a long shot.

Therefore, she did what any sane woman would do—avoided him. That seemed to work for the last month.

Until today, of course.

She sighed, hoping to expel all the confusion that Boone brought to her head and body. Then she left the bedroom and moved down the hallway. When she reached the dark wood-stained staircase, she heard the soft voices drifting up from downstairs.

“How well do you know Peyton?” Asher asked.

Peyton froze on the stairs, her breath catching in her throat, heart nearly jumping out of her chest.

“We met the first night she moved here,” Kinsley answered.

That night seemed like a lifetime ago. Peyton had arrived to town feeling unsure and unsteady, but now—even after her moment of craziness where she kissed a complete stranger—life had settled. Kinsley had been instrumental in making the grand opening of Uptown Girl a success. The girl knew business—after all, she’d turned Whiskey Blues into the favorite watering hole in Stoney Creek. Because of her kindness, and having businesses next to each other, they’d been inseparable since that day.

Kinsley paused, then added, “But it’s like I’ve known her forever, if that makes any sense.”

Peyton smiled, the strands of her broken heart knitting back together. She felt the same way. Maybe even more so after today, once again reminded how fragile life was. She’d taken Adam for granted before, thinking she’d have forever with him. She’d never take anything or anyone for granted again.

Asher hesitated, maybe taking a note, then asked, “Has she talked to you about her past at all?”

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Dangerous Love Romance