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“Here comes barfing round two.”

Boone groaned when Peyton broke away with a gasp.

“Sorry for interrupting, kids,” his father said, standing in the doorway, obviously having followed Kinsley to the kitchen.

Boone took in Peyton’s bright red face and wide eyes before he lifted an eyebrow at his baby sister.

“What?” Kinsley smiled brightly with a little shrug. “I thought a family dinner would be good.”

Bullshit. “Sure you did.” Kinsley was setting them up so their father could meet Peyton. And apparently, if Peyton’s deepening blush said anything about it, she just realized that fact too.

“Um, hi, Mr. Knight,” Peyton finally said. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“Please, Peyton, you can call me Hank.”

“Well then, it’s nice to see you again, Hank.” She smiled, glancing between Boone and his father. Repeatedly.

“It most definitely is.” Hank smiled, a grin that often comforted and warmed anyone he set it on.

Boone couldn’t move. His cock was hard and throbbing from that kiss, and if he turned around everyone would see that. He started at Peyton, his hands still braced on either side of her on the counter. Heat and lust and things he couldn’t even understand coursed through his blood. Christ, he was nearly ready to kick his family out to have her.

When did he become this guy?

Hank finally cleared his throat, then said, “Well, come on, Peyton, let’s eat some grub and you can tell me all about Seattle.”

She nibbled her lip, looking at Boone with all the heat he felt. “Prepare yourself for a boring conversation.”

“Impossible,” Hank said, moving toward the door.

“Besides,” Kinsley added, grabbing the salad bowl off the countertop. “Anything is better than watching Boone try to eat your face.”

“Get going, Kinsley,” Hank chided before heading outside.

When the screen door slammed shut, Peyton said, “You’re going to need to move so I can.”

“I don’t want to move,” Boone told her in all seriousness. “I want to lift you onto this counter and fuck you.”

Her lips parted with her harsh breath, but right as he dropped his mouth to hers, she dipped under his arm.

Boone blew out a long, deep breath and dropped his head. This woman was making his erections as a teenager seem minimal in comparison. Take it easy. That’s

what he needed to do with her.

Problem was, that was the very last thing he wanted to do. “Dinner it is, then.” He placed his hand on her lower back and guided her toward the door.

“It’s your fault I’m a walking pile of mush,” she said before heading outside.

“Good. I like you that way,” he called after her, not particularly caring who heard him. He adjusted his erection in a poor attempt to hide what she’d done to him and then followed her out, shutting the screen door behind him. The warm evening greeted him, a perfect night for drinking beer on his deck and listening to music. His backyard was private, full of trees, with a small grass area behind the large deck.

Kinsley and their dad were already sitting at the bar top table next to the grill. As a family, they were about as informal as Boone had ever seen, and Kinsley was already nibbling on a piece of steak before everyone sat down.

Something his dad obviously picked up on, since he said to Peyton, “Around here, the rule is to eat when the food is hot and don’t worry about waiting for everyone. Hope that’s all right with you.”

Peyton sat beside Kinsley. “That’s perfect, actually.”

Boone dropped in next to his father before reaching for the salad.

“The kids tell me you were a nurse back in Seattle,” Hank said, cutting into his steak.

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Dangerous Love Romance