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I brush my finger over her cheek and she hums. I keep staring at her, amazed that we created this tiny perfect thing. I kiss the top of her head and she reaches for my hair. I give her my finger instead and she holds on with a surprising amount of strength.

Xander finishes his shower and since Xael’s still eating he makes us both a sandwich for lunch. I eat mine while I feed her. Something tells me I’m going to be doing that a lot from now on.

Xael finally finishes eating and after I’m done with my sandwich I transfer her to Xander’s arms. She wiggles around on his chest, getting comfortable.

I hate leaving her, even for a second, but I need a shower. I can barely stand smelling myself.

I wash my hair and scrub my body.

Cleaning myself makes me feel loads better. I change into a pair of yoga pants and a tank top, letting my hair dry on its own.

I pad downstairs quietly in case the baby is sleeping and I smile when I enter the family room and find that Xander’s fallen asleep on the couch and Xael’s asleep on his chest. I grab my phone and snap a photo, knowing it’s something I don’t want to forget. Our baby sleeping on Xander’s chest is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.

I make myself a cup of decaf coffee and move around the kitchen as quietly as I can.

I get a text from Nova saying that they’re bringing Prue back so I head to the front to watch for them so I can let them in.

They arrive and I push the button to open the gate and let them up the driveway. I unlock the front door and open it, which makes the security system beep.

“Thea?” Xander calls out sleepily.

“I’m letting Jace and Nova in,” I explain.

He pads into the room carrying Xael, his hair sticking up everywhere.

Prue comes running into the house then, Jace and Nova behind her.

“Hey, girl.” I bend down to pet her. She licks my face and then goes to smell Xander’s feet.

Jace and Nova come in, so I close the door behind them.

“How long have you guys been home?” Nova asks.

“Not long.” I shrug. “Maybe an hour or two.”

Xander bends down, introducing Prue to the baby. She smells her and wags her tail and then runs over to her toy box. Xander stands and shrugs.

“I guess Prue doesn’t care,” he chuckles.

“Can I hold the baby?” Jace asks, holding out his arms.

Xander shrugs. “Sure.” He hands her over.

Jace holds her delicately, like he’s afraid if he breathes on her he’ll break her. His face splits into a grin and he rocks her. He smiles over at Nova. “I’d like to place an order for one of these.”

Nova is clearly taken aback by his words. “We’ll talk later,” she says.

Xander and I exchange a look. I’m not sure the world is ready for Jace babies, but neither of us says anything.

Jace and Nova end up hanging out for the next hour until Xander’s mom and dad shows up. They leave then so the grandparents can have a moment with the baby.

Sarah is completely enamored with the baby, and Cooper is too.

I think it’s safe to say that Xael is the most loved baby ever … but I’m sure all parents think that.

The day fades into evening and Sarah and Cooper leave.

Xander makes dinner and I tend to the baby. We begin to fall into an easy pattern, and I’m surprised at how well we’re adapting to parent life.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Light in the Dark Romance