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I took his hands in mine pulling us both up, “I know you’re only being realistic but I can’t think like that. I have to believe that everything will be okay. I can’t think about you or any of the others, not Diana, not Danny and Mason, not even Gabriel, as dead. I’m sorry but I just can’t. I have to believe that everything will be okay. I can’t think of you dead. I just can’t. I love you too much and it tears my insides apart to think I might lose you. I can’t lose you. Do you hear me? I can’t! I can’t live without you Jonathon! If you die I won’t be able to go on-,” I ranted before he silenced me with his mouth. He kissed me hungrily and desperately. He held the back of my head to hold me closer to him. I put my arms around his neck to pull him closer. Sensing the closeness I wanted he brought me against him. I could feel the cold of his skin through his thin cotton shirt. He bit my lip lightly making a chill run up my spine.

He pulled back and looked me in the eye, “You are so beautiful, so strong, and you’re the most amazing person I know,” he shook his hair out of his eyes, “There’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you for a very long time. Ever since I first laid eyes on you,” he said holding my hand and getting down one knee.

“Oh my God,” I said, “Oh my God.”

“This wasn’t how I had planned to do this but with the circumstance I can’t wait any longer,” he said pulling out a little blue box, and looking deep into my eyes he asked the two scariest words you can ever be asked, “Marry me?”

I gasped.

Chapter Twenty-Two: Come Together

I bent down and took his face between my hands, “Yes.”

He smiled and picked me up twirling me in his arms. He kissed me long and hard. He set me back down on the ground and opened the small box. Inside laid the most beautiful diamond ring I had ever seen.

I gasped again. “It’s so beautiful,” I breathed. The diamond was large and square with small diamonds all around it. More small diamonds ran along the band. It was simple but elegant and beyond beautiful.

“I designed it for you. I wanted it to be special. I wanted you to think of me every time you looked at it,” he said slipping it on my finger.

“I love it but I love you even more. I can’t believe we just got engaged!” I squealed. This moment was surreal. It had happened so fast. Certainly in the blink of an eye.

He smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen. “I can’t wait to be able to call you my wife.”

“I can’t wait to

be able to call you my husband,” I said and he picked me up and kissed me passionately. I kept glancing at the diamond on my ring finger. It felt so foreign but yet it felt so right like it was meant to be there. “This is amazing,” I said.

“I just couldn’t wait any longer. I had been caring that around for months waiting for the right moment. I wanted it to be romantic but then all of this happened and I thought there might never be a right time,” he shrugged his shoulders and gave me a small, shy, smile.

“This, now, is perfect. You’re perfect. This moment is perfect,” I said twirling the ring on my finger, “I can’t believe you’ve been caring this around for so long. I can’t believe you designed it for me. I can’t believe you’re real. This is all so magical,” I said.

He chuckled, “Even if it is in my room?”

“Yes,” I said smiling. I kissed him again, “I love you,” I said against his lips. I was still covered in sweat and I was sure I looked like a mess but I wasn’t lying. This moment was perfect. As long as I was with Jonathon everything would be perfect. I knew Jonathon was worried that if he didn’t propose now he may never get the chance but I was not going to let that spoil my moment. This and her wedding day was something that every girl dreamed and fantasized about. I knew I was young but Jonathon was it for me. We were soul mates. We were everything to each other. Nothing what-so-ever could spoil this moment for me. But if Jonathon got to do something he wanted to do because he thought we may die then so be it I was going to do something to. I had thought I wasn’t ready but I knew now that wasn’t true. I wanted Jonathon in every possible way before I died. We had said we would wait but the time for waiting had passed. I was ready and I only hoped he was too.

I put my arms around his neck and held him to me as I kissed him. I felt his hand move to the small of my back. He lifted me up off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I pulled away from his teasing lips and looked into his silver moon eyes, “I’m ready,” I whispered into his ear. “Make love to me.” He shivered as if my breath tickled him but I was sure it was something else.

“No,” he said, “Not now.”

I smiled, “Jonathon, I’m ready. Now. I don’t want to wait anymore. I’ve changed my mind. I want you. I need you,” I moaned and pressed my lips forcefully against his.

He kissed me back and then pulled away, “And I want to be married to you first.”

“Jonathon, we just got engaged and we’re soul mates. We’re practically married already,” I reasoned and pressed my lips against his again.

“I want to do this the right way,” he whispered but I could see that his resolve was waning.

“This is the right way for us,” I said and kissed both his cheeks, then his chin, and finally settled on his mouth.

“This isn’t the way this is supposed to happen. I didn’t get to propose to you the way I wanted so can you at least let me make love to you on my own terms? Please?” He begged but I could see in his eyes that he was uncertain.

“And who made you the boss?”

He laughed, “Oh, so you’re the boss?”

“If I have to be I will. I want this Jonathon. I’m ready.”

“What if I’m not? Are you just doing this because of Selena?” He asked.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Fallen Vampires