Page List


8. Go roller skating

9. See the ocean

10. Learn to paint

11. Get a dog…or a cat…or a rabbit. Any pet will do.

12. Sing in front of real people. Avery doesn’t count.

13. Make more friends

14. Shoot a gun

15. Smoke

16. Get a tattoo

17. Learn to pole dance

18. Go skinny dipping

19. Pierce my belly button

20. Fall in love

“Here’s my list,” I handed it to Trace. “Feel free to laugh,” I sighed, even though I hoped he didn’t. Those things had seemed so important when I made this list and now they seemed so silly.

Trace’s eyes scanned over the wrinkled piece of paper. “You’ve never been to a carnival? Or a concert?” His piercing green eyes met mine.

“No,” I shook my head. “My dad wouldn’t allow it.”

“Not even roller skating?” He asked in disbelief.

“No,” I laughed. “I might have fallen and ended up with my legs in the air and my dad says that’s not a respectable position for a lady.”

Trace snorted. “Well,” he said, “you’ve got four things crossed off. The first three are…well…”

I blushed, knowing exactly what those three things were. “Yeah,” I groaned. “I kind of crossed those three off in one night.”

“Really?” He raised a brow.

“Yeah,” I laughed. “Avery dragged me to a party my first week here. There was beer, so naturally I had to try it, which led me to get drunk and thinking having sex with a stranger was a good idea. It was in the bathroom and it only lasted like two minutes. It wasn’t really pleasant. I don’t know why people seem to like sex so much.”

“Olivia,” he tilted my chin up, the green of his eyes searing my very soul. “I can assure you that sex can be very, very, good…when it’s with the right person,” his thumb brushed my bottom lip, sending a shiver down my spine. “And,” he leaned forward, his lips brushing my ear, the stubble on his cheeks grazing my sensitive skin, “I also know with firsthand experience, that it can last a lot longer than two minutes.”

He pulled away and grinned knowingly at me.

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and I looked away from Trace, trying not to think about performing the horizontal tango with him and wondering exactly how long it would last. I bet sex with Trace would be amazing.

Olivia! Stop! He’s your friend! I scolded myself. Or not really your friend, but still! Stop it!

“So,” Trace began, “you got your belly button pierced?” He waggled his eyebrows, staring at my shirt.

“Yep,” I rolled my eyes. Boys.

“Show me,” he grin

ned cockily.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance