Page 17 of Beauty in the Ashes

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I liked noise.

Messing with Caelan was wrong, but I couldn’t resist. He’d get angry, and I…well, I liked to push people.

I knew there was probably a lot more to Caelan’s behavior than I or anyone else knew.

I was sure he had a really interesting story—everybody does, just like Daphne said.

For now, I wanted to mess with him.

I wanted to make him angry.

I wanted to see that fire in his eyes.

Something about him called to me, drawing me in.

I didn’t understand what it was about him.

Maybe his brokenness.

I stopped dancing and stood still in my kitchen.

What the hell was I doing?

Was I flirting with my neighbor?

Was this some kind of sick foreplay?

I scrambled to turn down the music—analyzing my own behavior—but I didn’t get it silenced in time.

He pounded on my door, and from the sounds of those knocks he was livid.


What had I done?

I forced myself to open the door and pretend that I wasn’t internally freaking out over my thoughts.

“I thought we had discussed this,” his voice was icy as his eyes glared directly at me, “you need to keep the noise down. Since you didn’t heed my warning, it looks like I get to shut you up.”

I found my back pushed roughly against the brick wall. One of his hands entwined with mine, pinning it beside my head, while he braced the other on the wall above my head. I was affectively caged in with nowhere to go.

My eyes closed as I found myself unconsciously cowering to his domineering ways. My hair fell over my left shoulder and a few strands tumbled forward in an effort to hide my face.

My heart beat wildly in my chest, threatening to break free, but my ribs kept it caged.

His sudden movements and overall officious way had surprised me.

“Are you scared, Sutton?”

My eyes popped open, my mouth falling a bit with shock.

“No,” I answered with a challenging smirk.

Caelan Gregory didn’t scare me. Not the way he thought at least.

He scared me in the sense that I couldn’t figure out why I was so drawn to him. I’d only been here three days and I didn’t even know him.

We had chemistry, and I knew he had to feel it too.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Romance