Page 16 of Beauty in the Ashes

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If Griffin wanted me to change, I was within walking distance of the apartment and could run home.

After my necessary cup of black coffee I cuddled Brutus for a few minutes before heading to work. I slung my cross-body leather and tie-dye fringe purse over my shoulder, and blew a kiss to Brutus who was rolling around on the floor pawing a dust bunny.

I stopped, eyeing Caelan’s door. A sly grin spread over my face. Feeling like a mischievous child, I took two steps and leaned forward, rapping my fist sharply against the door.

I heard him cussing, and then something went crashing to the ground.

I ran down the hall and descended into the stairwell. I peeked around the corner to see him come busting into the hallway. He looked left, then right, and upon seeing no one slammed the door closed.

I couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled out of my throat.

I didn’t know why I enjoyed tormenting Caelan so much. There was something about him that I just couldn’t help but push. I liked to make him tick. I was sure that meant I was a bad person, but I didn’t really care.

With a smile on my lips, and a bounce in my step, I made my way to Griffin’s.

Upon entering, a bell above the door dinged cheerily.

“Sutton!” Griffin waved from behind the counter he was currently wiping down with a damp rag. He tossed the rag over his shoulder and waved me behind the counter.

“I hope what I’m wearing is okay,” I was quick to tell him, “you didn’t mention a dress code, so…” I trailed off, shrugging my shoulders.

“You’re fine like that,” he said gruffly. Clearing his throat, he said, “You know I’m Griffin, but you can call me Griff. My wife, Laura, and I own this place…obviously. The place has really expanded in the last few years,” he shrugged his wide shoulders. “Started out as a coffee shop, now we serve food, and even alcohol,” he winked. “The stage is back there,” he pointed to a slightly hidden part of the restaurant from my vantage point. “It draws quite a crow. Plus, we’re open twenty-four hours a day to cater to the college kids. So, I’ve had to suck it up and hire more people. That’s where you come in,” he winked. “The hours I’ll need you will be kind of random. Are you okay working late?”

“Yes, sir,” I answered immediately.

He eyed me with a stern look. “Don’t call me sir…ever. Makes me feel old.” With a shake of his head, swinging his gray ponytail, he scratched his bearded chin. “I’m going to start you off today training with my grandson, Emery. Emery!” He called, pushing open the door that led to the back.

The guy I had noticed Daphne checking out yesterday appeared in the doorway. He smiled easily, crossing muscular arms over his chest—stretching the thin cotton of the black t-shirt he wore. His jeans hung low on his hips, held up by a leather belt. His dark hair fell messily over his forehead, concealing a unique shade of blue-green eyes. They reminded me of the water you saw on tropical islands.

“Emery.” His smile was lopsided as he held out his hand for me.

“I gathered that.” Shit. My sarcastic side refused to stay reigned in lately. If my mom was here she’d try to wash my mouth out with soap. “I’m Sutton.”

“I gathered that,” he repeated my words back to me with a laugh.

“Now that we’re all…acquainted,” Griffin clapped his hands together, “let’s get to work.”


After my shift ended, there was a slight pep in my step as I walked home. Working at Griffin’s would be fun. The atmosphere was great and everyone was great to work with. Emery was sweet with a fun personality. I could see myself being friends with him.

When I stepped inside my apartment Brutus came up to me meowing and rubbing his small body against my legs. Clearly, he was happy to see me.

I picked him up, nuzzling him against my neck. Kissing his nose, I placed him on the floor and slung my bag on the counter.

I was tired, but happy.

A part of me was still in shock that here I was, over a thousand miles from home, and I was fine.

Well, except for my shitty neighbor across the hall.

A slow smile spread across my face as I pulled my iPod from my purse and placed it on the docking system.

I knew it was horrible of me to be looking for ways to torment my neighbor, but I couldn’t resist the free entertainment.

I should’ve probably invested in a TV. Instead, I flicked through my songs settling on one by Evanescence. I turned the volume up as loud as it would go, and started dancing around wildly, shaking my ass as I sang along at the top of my lungs.

He liked silence.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Romance