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“Yeah. I’m tired, that’s all,” I reply. “I’m going to head home.”

“It is getting late. It was nice meeting you.”

“You too,” I say and let out a sigh. Min walks past, going into a stall, and I look back at the mirror. If the demon is still hanging around, it’s dumber than I thought. Just to be safe, I hold my hand out and say, “Nubes tenebrosa.” Gray smoke clouds the mirror, making it look so dirty you can’t see your reflection.

“Cool,” Melinda says. “But I think Eliza is going to kill you for that.”

“The spell will wear off in about twelve hours or less. I didn’t put much into it.”

Melinda tips her head. “I’ll never fully understand how magic works.”

“It’s magic,” I say with a smile. “You just—ouch.” I bend over, hand flying to my stomach. That same weird feeling ripples out, making my entire middle feel like it’s tightening in one painful squeeze.

“What’s wrong?” Melinda grabs my arm, helping me stay upright. Something is different this time. It hurts worse than before and feels hot, like Elena is suddenly a ball of fire instead of a baby.

“I don’t—” I cut off as searing pain tears across my abdomen. I grab onto Melinda, digging my fingers into her arm and gritting my teeth. Then as suddenly as the pain came on, it stops. I don’t move, afraid it’s going to come back.

“Callie?” Melinda asks and helps me straighten up. “Should I take you to a hospital?”

“I can’t go to a hospital,” I say, feeling scared all over again by that very fact. If this is how labor is going to be, I’m not going to make it to the birth.

“Your sister is a doctor.” She motions behind us at the closed bathroom door. “So is her friend.”

“They’re drunk, and I feel…I feel good.” I run my hands over my stomach. Elena is moving around, and it sounds crazy even to me, but I feel like my stomach popped even more just in the time we’ve been in the bar. “This has happened before.”

“And that’s supposed to be reassuring?” Melinda makes a face. “It’s not normal to have pain like that, Callie.”

“I know. I’ll call the midwife from my coven. She knows I’m only half-human.”

“That’s a good idea. Let’s get you home.”

“Callie fucking King.” Eliza speeds over, stopping in front of me with her hands on her hips. “I had to overhear you say you’re calling your midwife from across the fucking bar. What the fuck?” She narrows her eyes, hiding her worry. “Go sit in the office. I’m calling Lucas to come get you.”

“Don’t,” I protest. “You’ll worry him, and he’s in the middle of a meeting. Walk home with us and then I’ll text him and ask him to come home. I feel fine now.” It’s almost the same feeling of a weight being lifted when I tapped into my angel powers again, but deeper. I can’t make sense if it. “I’ll let my sister know and really will call the midwife.”

“Fine.” Eliza purses her lips. “I’m calling us an Uber. We’re close, but you’re not walking.”

“My truck is just down the street,” Melinda says. “I can drive us.”

The look on Eliza’s face is a dead giveaway that she’s not a fan of trucks, but for my sake, she nods. “If you feel so much as a twinge of pain, I’m carrying you.”

I do my best Eliza impression and roll my eyes. We go back to the table but don’t sit down.

“I’m not feeling too well,” I tell Abby and Ricci. “I’m going to take off.”

“Are you okay?” Abby asks.

“Yeah, just that round ligament pain again.”

“Are you going back to the house on North Orchard or the apartment at the Waldorf?” she asks, slowly getting to her feet.

“North Orchard.”

“I’ll come with you,” Abby rushes out. “It’s right by my house, and I can give you a quick checkup.”

“You don’t have to leave,” I tell her. She silently gives me a pleading look. She wants to leave, and taking care of her pregnant sister is an excuse no one can argue against. “But I would really appreciate being checked on. Checked up on? You know what I mean.”

Abby nods. “Better safe than sorry when you’re pregnant. How much do I owe for the drinks?” She turns around, eyes bloodshot, and looks at the drinks on the table.

“Don’t worry about it,” I say, and Eliza huffs. Ricci tries to get Abby to stay, but one disapproving look from Eliza shuts her up. I text Lucas on the way out, telling him I’m going back to the house in Lincoln Park and want to go home to Thorne Hill if possible.

“Where are you parked?” I ask Melinda.

“Around the block. It’s not far, but I can drive up.”

“I can walk,” I say.

“Are you sure?” Abby asks, blinking a few times, trying to keep her composure. “If the pain is the same pain you’ve been feeling, you know you’re supposed to take it easy.”

Tags: Emily Goodwin Fantasy