Page 82 of Rise (Rock God 1)

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“What?” I exclaim, causing her to jump.

“Rock God, hiiiii,” a bunch of girls at the end of the lobby scream and wave.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you.” I pull us over to the private conference room. Ace stands outside in a black suit, waiting for me and looking like he’s guarding the president. He looks ridiculous standing there surrounded by dozens of ornate pots holding what looks like thousands of flowers.

“No need to apologize. I need to stop being a mouse.” She smiles, but her eyes have tears. Where did Rafe find her? Whatever. I’m late.

“Gia, I mean, Ms. Fontaine is running a bit late.” She almost runs into my back as I stop and turn to her.

“Unacceptable. Get her.”

“But Sebastian and Mr. Falcon are in there.” Her eyes widen at my stare, and she nods. “I’ll go get her, Mr. Granger.”

“Thank you. And it’s Granger, please.” I smile at her because I don’t want her to quit. At least not until she finds Gia.

“Ace.” We fist-bump and he opens the doors to the room. It’s all set up for the shoot. Barely any outside light filters in through the large window, thanks to the gloomy London weather, and I almost squint at the tons of lights they’ve set up. The photographer is busy snapping pictures of everyone but me.

“There he is.” Lacy, Lucy? I can’t remember her name. She’s tall and thin with long blond hair, baggy slacks, and a tank without a bra. It’s white and basically see through.

Nuke is already drinking straight from a bottle, twirling his drumsticks. Cash is on his phone, and Ammo is smoking and strumming on Black Beauty, his guitar.

“Ammo, the lighting is perfect on you. Do you mind?” She walks over and takes off her hat, which looks like a cross between an Indiana Jones hat, and something Janis Joplin would have worn.

He leans back as she smiles and puts it on him. “Yes, that’s lovely.” She brings her camera to her eye and starts shooting.

“Care to join, Rock God?” I ignore her. I almost feel disloyal having anyone but Gia take my picture, which is irrational, but that’s the way I roll these days.

My eyes scan the room. Sebastian and Hunter are in the corner talking to Dorothy Ames, I assume.

I walk over to the large catering table. Rafe appears behind me and fills his coffee cup.

“I sent Pam to get Gia, if you’re wondering where she is.” I lift a silver platter to see bacon. “And go gentle on Pam. I like her.”

He raises an eyebrow. “Really?”

I look up at him and grin. “Yeah, she’s way too sweet to be around us.” I shake my head at him. There’s something going on with him and her, but I have my own shit to deal with.

I load a plate up with French toast, an omelet, and some sausage. I’ll come back for the pastries. There’re croissants, biscuits, scones, and strawberry jam all stacked on a silver platter.

I pour myself a cup of coffee, then look around for the booze.

“Hand me the Jameson. It’s behind you.” I motion with my head.


“What, Rafe? I’m not into your little pixie, okay? So, save the lecture. I’m actually in a good mood today.” I smile and look over at the door, but it’s just a couple of staff members carrying more flowers and food.

He takes a sip of coffee, his blue eyes narrowing on me.

“Rock God, we need you,” the photographer calls out.

“In a minute,” I yell back, taking a huge bite of French toast. It’s fucking good. The buttery, soft bread mixed with cinnamon is perfect.

“Try the bacon. It’s that maple shit you like,” I tell Rafe.

He sets down his coffee and straightens his sleeve under his suit jacket. “So, here’s what’s going on. Gia wants to quit.”

I freeze midbite. “The fuck?”

“She says she has taken enough pictures, and that her contract is fulfilled. Of course, that’s bullshit, and I told—”

I toss my plate down and go straight for Sebastian, completely ignoring Rafe’s cursing behind me.

“What’s going on, Sebastian?” I demand, walking past both the women and Hunter to shove him up against the wall.

“The fuck, Granger?” He pushes back and that’s all I need. Gut punching him, I watch in satisfaction as he drops to his knees.

“I’ll tell you the fucking facts. You’re here because of Gia. No Gia, no Sebastian,” I snarl.

“Jesus, Granger, what the hell, man?” Hunter grabs me as Rafe tries to block me from kicking Sebastian in the face.

“Security!” Dorothy calls. I look at her as she stands there, watching, and I know she’s one of those we have to pay off.

Sebastian gets to his feet. His hands rest on his knees as he sneers, “This is why she wants to quit. You’re a fucking piece of shit, Granger. A jealous, entitled, prick. I should have let her leave instead of talking her into staying.” He lunges at me as Dorothy shrieks and Rafe holds him back.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins Rock God Romance