Page 27 of Rise (Rock God 1)

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“I just—” I’m interrupted again by a loud knock. Clearly, I’m on edge more than I thought since I’m digging my nails into Rhys’s forearm.

I hate him for making me feel like this—and his stupid guitarist. Also, why is Nuke sitting like a zombie drinking a bottle of Jack?

Ammo holds up his hand. “No, please let me get it.” He opens the door to a guy in a white chef jacket who proceeds to roll in an elegant tray.

“Just sit.” Rhys dumps me onto the couch.

“What is wrong with you? Stop it,” I hiss, instantly pulling the shirt down and glancing at Nuke to see if he saw anything. Thankfully he’s still staring out the window as if he can’t seem to figure out the ABCs.

“I swear to God, Gia, don’t move.” Rhys crosses his arms and frowns down at me.

I despise him at this moment, but his commanding voice makes me squirm. Am I getting wet?

“Oh God,” I whisper, my cheeks heating as I toss back a damp strand of hair and cross my legs, trying not to think about his giant pierced penis.

“Anything else?” the poor guy who’s delivering the food shouts over Rafe’s angry rant to poor Deborah.

I bite my bottom lip and try not to laugh. It’s come to this. It’s so bad that I’m going to start laughing. I do this when things are really uncomfortable.

I’ll start laughing. I can’t help myself, although something tells me right now, laughing would not go over well. So, I take a deep breath and look out the window. The view is amazing—it’s so clear I can see snow covering the mountain peaks in the distance.

Maybe this is what happens if you hang out with them long enough. Look at Nuke. My eyes dart around, settling on the room service guy. He looks like he’s ready to piss himself as he shifts nervously from one leg to the other.

Wow. We either look ridiculous or supercool.

“You want anything else?” Ammo yells, causing Rafe to raise an eyebrow at him and the room service guy to jump.

Jesus, this is a complete disaster.

“Knock it off.” Rafe glares at Ammo as he walks over to the room service guy, causing him to take a step back.

“No, thank you. Now get out.” He waits, hand on the door as the poor guy sprints out.

“Just pay whatever you need to get the footage, Deborah. I’ll have the conversation before we can proceed past that. I’ll let you know.” He hangs up and sighs dramatically. His blue eyes narrow and find mine.

I stare straight back. The first thing I learned growing up with nothing but boys around is never show weakness. That said, I’m glad Rhys sat me on the couch because I need to look powerful. Like I own this room, and standing up with only Rhys’s T-shirt does not scream power. At least sitting, I can use my long legs, if necessary, to distract.

“Let’s take this from the beginning. And please, Ms. Fontaine, do not leave out any details.” He walks toward me and sits across from me next to Nuke.

Rafe is by far the scariest out of everyone in this room. He looks like he wants to put a bullet in my head and bury me in a shallow grave. I know men like him; my brother’s club is filled with them. It’s in their eyes. They care about few things. But what few things they care about make them dangerous if you stand in their way.

“How can I help?” Sounding like a bitch, I smile at him. Which must surprise him because he raises an eyebrow at me, then sits back to look at Rhys.

“You can help me by explaining how and why you’re here.” He looks at his phone, which is blowing up with texts, then back at me.

I shrug. “I’m a photographer.” Clearly that’s not the answer he wanted.

“Bullshit, listen caref—”

“Just relax, Rafe.” Rhys holds up a hand to keep him quiet, his eyes searching my face.

“Does Axel know that you’re here?” He’s like a king. I stare at him, almost speechless at how dominant he’s become.

“Does he?” he demands.


“No?” His eyes narrow. I hear goddammit and fuck coming from behind him, but who cares now.

“Gia.” Nuke comes into my view as he stands next to Rhys. “You told me that this was a scholarship opportunity… that Axel was the one who suggested you get in touch with me. Please tell me that wasn’t a lie?” He looks so hurt that I almost come clean. But let’s be honest—I’m too far gone for that.

Only the fearless one wins now.

I hold up my hands, trying to calm him since he’s starting to look agitated, and the last thing I want to do is hurt Nuke.

“I am here for a scholarship.” I assure him, opening my mouth to say more, but decide maybe less is more right now.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins Rock God Romance