Page 12 of Rise (Rock God 1)

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“Axel. Mitchell is Axel,” My eyes flash at her. “Never mind.” I wave my hand, already rehearsing what I need to say.

Hey, big brother. I’m going to spend my whole winter break with the Stuffed Muffins. Why? Because I need to convince Rhys Granger that we are destined to be together. So, deal with it and don’t stand in my way. Somehow that’s not going to fly. In fact, he might lock me up. He and Rhys are not close anymore.

“Screw this. He can’t control me,” I mumble and push on his number. It’s like a Band-Aid that you know is going to burn and sting when you take it off, so you rip it off fast. That’s where I’m at. Might as well rip it off.

“Oh dear.” Julianna wrings her hands as I straighten my shoulders back, frowning at her. I don’t need any bad juju. I love her to death, but she worries way too much.

I’m about to sigh in relief because he’s not picking up and I can leave a message when I hear, “What?”

“Hey, Mitchell, so—”


“Um, rude. You don’t even—”

“Listen, Gia.” He sounds grumpier than usual. “I have shit going on, so I’m gonna make this fast. Over my dead body would I ever allow my baby sister to be anywhere near Granger.”

Holy shit, that’s harsh, and kind of vicious. “Axel. I’m doing this through the university. It’s comple—”

“Do you think I’m Mom? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. You’re lying and the answer is no.” He barks the last part, causing Julianna to cover her mouth as I hold the phone away from my ear.

“Fine, I won’t go. But you’re making a huge mistake. Completely clipping my wings. This is my career, you kn— Axel? Mitchell?”

I look down at my phone. “God, he’s such an asshole. He hung up on me. Can you believe it?”

Julianna sinks to her bed, her eyes full of tears, and I have to fight myself not to yell What the hell are you crying for? My whole life plan has been ruined.

Or has it?

“Julianna?” I drop down next to her, my mind spinning. This could work. Julianna’s dad is rich, not wealthy, but rich. And Julianna is freakin’ perfect. She’s so responsible, she has access to money—aka she can give me a loan.

“I’m so, so sorry, Gia. I know you truly wanted to do this but… you know what they say. If it’s meant to be then—”

“Screw that,” I interrupt her kind but unnecessary pep talk.

“We make our own destinies. And I need your help.” Taking her cold hands in mine, I give them a supportive shake. I’m dealing with a complete rule follower here. Julianna never did anything adventurous until the day we became roommates. Thank goodness I came into her life.

“You do? Oh God, what?” Her eyes grow huge.

“Stop it. It’s not a big deal at all really.” I smile at her, and she stares back befuddled.

“Okay. Listen, if my mom and Axel are going to be like this, then I can’t use my credit card because…” I trail off. Of course, she looks confused.

I smile. “Julianna, I need you to give me a loan and cover for me if my mom calls.” I squeeze her hands again as her eyes get bigger, if that’s possible.

“Don’t panic.” I let go of her hands. They’re clammy. “She’s not going to call.”

“Oh, thank God,” she whispers.

“But in case she does, just pick up and tell her I’m working.” I do jazz hands and smile encouragingly, trying my hardest not to lose patience.

“Oh dear.” She blinks at me and again, my conscience nags at me. I jump up and move to close my suitcase, needing to get away from her responsible energy.

“Please, Julianna. You need to believe in me. If you don’t, then I don’t think I can handle it.”

“You know I believe in you,” she snips.

“Fantastic, I need a loan.”

“But they said no, Gia.” Her voice is calm, and I don’t need to look at her to know she’s picking at her nail polish again. I can hear the annoying scratching.

“I mean, you can’t disappear for weeks and think they won’t know.”

I hold up my finger and sit on top of my overpacked suitcase. “Watch me. Throw me my phone.” I motion with my hands while blowing a piece of hair off my face. She leans over and hands it to me. I give her a saucy wink and push on my mom’s number.

“Watch and learn.” Surprisingly it goes to voicemail, which I take as the universe telling me this is one-hundred percent right.

“Hey, Mom, so after thinking about it and talking to Mitchell, I’m not going to go.” I sigh dramatically because there is a fine line between obvious and spot-on perfect.

“I’m super disappointed.” Another deep sigh. “Butttt… Julianna has offered me an alternative.” I shake my head and glare at her since the mention of her name has made her moan in despair.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins Rock God Romance