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Normally, I loved the time after Thanksgiving. The holidays with its bright lights, merry sounds, and delicious scents fill me with joy. But fatigue, depression, and a sense of uncertainty were making it difficult for me to go through the motions of life. Normally I was a take action type of woman, but I couldn’t figure out what action was the right one to take. I’d even convinced myself that maybe the tests were wrong, but the trip to the doctor proved they’d been right.

The best I was able to muster was putting one foot in front of the other, taking my life one minute at a time as I went through my normal routine…up early, bake, sell, bake, and home. I did manage to hire a young woman, Libby, who earned her AA in culinary arts and had real skills in cake decorating that I thought could add some additional appeal to my cupcakes. Training her was a nice distraction, at least for the part of the day she was with me.

The week following Thanksgiving, April showed up at the shop alone. “I thought I’d get some cupcakes for the office party.”

“It’s still several weeks until Christmas.” For a moment, I wondered if Cy was returning for a visit. I still hadn’t told him about the baby. It felt wrong not to and yet, I didn’t want to complicate his life more than it was.

“Yes, but Conner will be heading home for the holidays soon, so Jude thought they should have it early.”

“Where’s Bertie?”

“I left him with a sitter.” She gave me a pointed look. “I want to talk to you. Do you have a minute?”

Concerned that something was wrong, I called my assistant from the back to come out.

April’s eyes widened. “You hired someone finally? Now I know we need to talk. How did I not know this?”

“Libby, this is my best friend in the world, April Mason. April this is Libby Tanner, my new assistant.”

“Hi and I’m so glad you’re here to help,” April said with a genuine smile.

“I’m glad to be here,” Libby said.

“I’m going to take a break to talk with April. Can you manage the front for a bit?” I asked Libby.

“Yes, of course.”

I left Libby to it, on her own for the first time, and went upstairs with April to my apartment. I made some tea for me and coffee for her.

“Have you heard from Cy?” she asked as she sat on the couch.

“No. I imagine his life is busy with his mom.” And his fiancé. “How about you or Jude?”

“I haven’t. Jude says they’ve communicated by email, but it sounds like his mom had an accident or something right after Thanksgiving so, he’s been a bit preoccupied.”

Her news only made my life more difficult. What did I do now?

“Is that why you’re here?” I asked.

“Actually no. I’m here because I’m worried about you,” she said, taking the coffee I handed her.

With my tea, I sat on the other end of the couch. “Worried? Why?”

Her brows furrowed as if she was trying to scan my brain with x-ray vision or something. I looked down at my tea in case my expression gave anything away.

“Since Thanksgiving you’ve been aloof. I haven’t seen or talked to you.”

“Your life is busy, April. I’ve been here the whole time, like I’ve always been.”

She shook her head, like she was searching for the right words. “I can’t explain it, but something is off about you. Is it Cy? Do you miss him?”

I swallowed. April was my best friend and I could really use a friend. But she was also Cy’s partner and I didn’t want to put any additional strain on their relationship. Cy didn’t need April and Jude mad at him when he already had so much going on.

“Petal. Come on. I know something is up. Please tell me. Give me the chance to repay you for all the years of friendship and support, and a shoulder to cry on.”

Tags: Ajme Williams Heart of Hope Romance