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His fingers gripped mine as he withdrew and slid in, slowly, his gaze watching mine as he did. The words, “I love you,” sat on the tip of my tongue.

“I want to feel you come, Petal,” he whispered as his lips trailed along my jaw. “I want to feel the power of it rolling through you.”

I could give him that. I closed my eyes and let myself be taken away by sensations. The friction of his dick sliding and out, slowly, frustratingly slowly. His lips on my neck, my jaw, just below my ear. His chest abrasive against my sensitive nipples. All of this building, tightening, coiling, until I was hanging at the pinnacle.

“Come,” he said, sliding in and grinding against me as he dipped his head and sucked my nipple.

My body arched as pleasure bloomed and radiated to every cell. It was slow and sweet, and nearly brought tears to my eyes because it didn’t mean what I’d wanted it too.

“You’re so fucking beautiful when you come.” He rolled us until I was on top. His hands slid along my thighs and up to my breasts. “You’re a powerful sexy goddess, you know that?”

“Not a witch?” I rocked over him, loving how he hissed in response.

“You’ve put a spell on me, Petal.” He levered up, his hands splaying on my back as he kissed me, harder this time. I could taste his growing need. His lips traveled down, sucking my nipples. I held on to his shoulders and began to move.

He groaned and lay back, his fingers gripping my hips. “Take me over.”

I let myself go, giving in to the need growing in my body once again. I rode him, finding a steady rhythm. Inside me, he grew harder, the friction hotter.

“Yes, Petal…fuck I’m there…” His thumb brushed over my clit and it set me off once again. Sweet pleasure burst. I cried out, rocking and riding over him as I drew out the sensations, until finally I collapsed over him.

His arms wrapped around me and he kissed my temple. “How many cupcakes do I have to buy to make for the time your shop is closed,” he asked.

“It depends on whether or not I get back to work or not. I have a rush at the end of the day, usually.”

He looked at his watch. “I should probably get back. Dina is going to wonder what happened to me. Believe it or not, I didn’t come her to have sex.”

“Oh?” I lifted my head to look down on him. “You came to scare my customer?”

He nodded. “I’m an asshole, but I can’t stand the idea of someone else touching you.” He gripped my ass.

“You’re the only one touching me Cy.”

He rolled me underneath him again. “You’re the only one touching me too, Petal. Just so we’re clear.”

That wasn’t a declaration of love or something beyond friends with benefits, and yet, it was satisfying to hear.

“Good. Because I don’t want to share either.”

He gave me a quick kiss and then rolled out of bed. We dressed and he walked me back down to the shop. I unlocked the door just as a couple of people walked up to it.

“I’ll be right with you,” I told them as I let them in. To Cy, I said, “Will you be back later?”

He nodded. “After work? Can I take you to dinner? Make up for being such a dick?”

“It will take more than one dinner.”

He laughed. “I better start paying up then. Oh wait, I do need some cupcakes. Dina wants the pumpkin one.”

I helped the other people first, and then gave Cy a box of cupcakes for the office.

When he left, I had a moment to catch my breath. I wasn’t sure what just happened. It was an emotional roller coaster ride, that was for sure. But I didn’t think anything new came of it. We were in the same place as we were before. It was the place I agreed to be, and I was still agreeing to be there. What I thought would be an enjoyable addition to our relationship was at times, creating pain. It was a sign that I needed to tell him how I felt or end the benefits part of the relationship. At the same time, I savored the extra intimacy I had with him.

When he showed up later that evening, he’d brought takeout. “I hope you don’t mind not going out.”

There was something in his demeanor that put me on edge. Had he reflected on the afternoon and thought, like I did, that this was going in a direction that would likely end up with one or both of us hurt, and ruining the one thing we said we wanted to preserve; our friendship?

“No. I like takeout.” I locked up the shop and led him upstairs to my apartment.

Tags: Ajme Williams Heart of Hope Romance