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She wagged her finger at him. “Remember when I reminded you that I didn’t bring a change of clothes?”

Huck frowned her direction, but it was more of a pout than anything else. Truth was, she kind of liked this. Her pink tipped toes were on his lap. Yes, still pink from Jenna’s wedding. But what was sexy was how his tan hands clutched her foot, how his thumbs gently pushed on her instep, like he might try to stop her from leaving.

She’d never experienced anything like this. Was this how a couple acted? They weren’t even close to a couple, not unless you could count something as temporary as this a relationship. The truth was she’d never had anyone really want her around long enough to know the difference.

Maybe Huck’s issues were what had compelled him to keep her here. Maybe he was still stuck on not letting her leave first.

She closed her eyes for a moment. She’d stayed last night knowing that was a possibility, and soon she’d have to face it.

She could be the bigger person about it. If this was what he needed, she’d let him have it.

“I know this is your place, but if you don’t want me to leave first, you can,” she said. “I don’t care.”

“What are you talking about?”

She looked at him. His muscles looked cut even when he was relaxed.

But suddenly, he wasn’t relaxed. Now he sat there tense and staring those green daggers at her. His chest and abs flexed, and she felt a sickening rush of heat.

“I mean the whole leaving thing,” she said. “If that’s why you’re trying to get me to stay, you can just leave first.”

“This is my house.”

“I’m aware.”

“Why would I leave?”

“Because this is a game, and you can’t have me leaving first because it bothers you.”

The hand on her foot squeezed, then let go. “You’re impossible,” he murmured.


He sat up, and Autumn tucked her legs under herself and faced him. “I want you to stay because I like spending time with you.” With one arm resting on the back of the couch, he looked at her straight on, those tattoos looking as lickable as his whole chest. “So, tell me how you got into working on cars.”

It was an odd turn of subject, but she wasn’t sure where this game was going anymore, so she didn’t see a better choice but to play along. Besides, it was hard to resist his invitation to open up a little.

“My grandfather. I spent more of my time with him in his shop than anywhere else. When I was young, my dad was gone a lot, and the shop was where I went. He kept an eye on me. Taught about cars and bikes.”

“You talk like he’s not around anymore.” His voice was soft, like he knew tidbits of information already. Jenna had probably filled in her gang of friends, but she didn’t know how much.

Not that Autumn had ever told Jenna the details. Especially the fact that her father had lost the shop and her home. She’d just said she’d fallen on some “hard times.” She didn’t want handouts or people making the connection that she was technically homeless at the moment. Pity wasn’t an emotion she wanted thrown her way. That just made it hurt all the worse when pity ran out and she found out people’s kindness wasn’t genuine.

“He died several years ago.”

“I’m sorry.”

She shrugged, but the words came out before she could stop them. “I loved him. I was young and didn’t understand why I had to lose him. I was actually angry with my grandfather for a while for dying and leaving me.”

She scoffed, hating her young mind and remembering being a kid who was suddenly all alone. All she’d had was a father who hadn’t shown up or given a damn most of the time. She’d never been as important to him as gambling or drinking. Whenever it had mattered, he’d never chosen her.

“That sounds hard,” Huck said.

“I didn’t deal with losing my grandpa very well. But obviously it wasn’t his fault. Cancer doesn’t care who it hits.”

Huck just looked at her. Listening. His expression was filled with compassion, and her ribs felt like they were shrinking.

“What about your parents?” he asked.

Tags: Joya Ryan Chasing Love Erotic