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The woman looked damn good all the time, even in tight jeans with rips in the knees that gave sight to hints of the olive-skinned, mile long legs she had. Her exterior was tough and solid, but there was a soft, sensual side that he’d caught on to right away. Autumn was all woman, and he was actually twitching in his seat from excitement to see her.

He looked around. Then glanced behind him. Then around again. Damn it all to hell, he was literally looking for that girl. Waiting for her to show up.

As if the universe read his mind, Penny and Autumn made their way around several tables and closed in on them.

Huck didn’t even try to pick up his jaw from the floor or tamp down his admiration of her. Sure, Autumn was with Penny, and Penny went where Bass was, which was next to him, but still! Huck pretended that Autumn was walking up to him, and to him alone.

Judging by those stormy eyes, he could hope he wasn’t too far off.

“Holy fuck, you look amazing,” Huck said.

“That’s about as gentlemanly as he gets,” Bass said.

Autumn smiled. “Still a hell of a compliment. So I’ll take it.”

Damn, the woman surprised him. She could be laid back, easygoing, and the biggest, sexiest pain in his ass he’d ever met. But however he got her, whichever side she showed, there was one side buried deep which he hadn’t really gotten to tap into yet. A part of herself she kept guarded from anyone. He didn’t blame her. You did what you had to do to keep yourself safe and sane. All the more reason to accept the boundaries they’d both agreed to. In less than two weeks, she’d be gone.

Which left him limited time to get a glimpse at the hidden side of her. Starting with that laugh.

She kept it guarded, but it was like fucking currency, and he wanted to cash in. If he could make any kind of headway with her, he’d start there. Because time was a luxury he didn’t have, and while in the past he’d used that to his advantage. He had a mission.

Get close to her. Not too close, but enough to get past her armor.

But he’d have to give a little to get some back from her. And he knew better than anyone that making himself vulnerable was asking for the worst.

Christ, listen to himself. Was he really going to let his fear get the best of him?

Don’t be such a pussy.

He straightened his shoulders and held out his hand to her. “Wanna dance?”

“Oh, um, I don’t dance.” She glanced at the makeshift dance floor where couples were two-stepping and twirling around, and she looked less than thrilled.

“It’s easy. Just follow my lead.”

He didn’t let her respond, because he was too close to let her slip away. He took her hand and led her out to the floor just as the band geared up to play the next song.

He recognized the tune right away. Yep, the universe was sending him signs for sure.

This was going to be a good one.

Autumn took a deep breath. Huck moved in and cupped her hip with one hand, pulled her close, and clasped her hand in his other. She felt callouses and warmth on his skin, and the familiar sense of hands roughened by hard work eased her a little.

He stepped closer so that her breasts brushed his chest, and she thought she heard him groan. Or maybe it was her. Because he looked as amazing as he made her feel. Cleaned up a bit, not that she minded the scruff and T-shirts he normally donned. Actually, she liked every way Huck looked. Especially with a tool belt. Seeing him the other day with it on, hanging on his hips and—

“Eyes up here, honey,” he said with playfulness.

Crap, she’d been hanging her head and staring down at his package.

“I don’t know what I’m doing,” she admitted. And boy was that the truth of the week. In and out of the bedroom, every self-preservation method she’d perfected over the years gave her the middle finger while her body took over, threw her into overdrive, and straight toward the tattooed contractor.

“It’s okay. I’m right here. You just have to relax and let me lead.” He leaned in, and his lips barely brushed hers. “Ready?”

Ready? Well, that depended. She was ready for a lot. Too much. Things that weren’t a good idea, like Huck himself. Things she’d walk away from right now if she had a lick of sense. But she found herself nodding.

Tags: Joya Ryan Chasing Love Erotic