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So what was there to lose?

“No harm in getting to know the girl,” Ryder said.

The guy had a point. As long as he kept his expectations in check, this could be exactly what he needed. The first encounter with her had shocked him. But he was over the shock now. He was prepared.

“Assuming she’ll still have anything to do with me,” he said.

“Maybe if you stop being a jackass for a second she just might give you a shot,” Autumn’s voice said from behind him.

The shit-eating grin on Ryder’s face said that he’d known she’d been standing there for god knew how long. Great. He made a mental note to kick his friend’s ass later. First, he had to collect his swagger and face Autumn.

Huck turned, charm intact, smile in place, and he gave his best casual greeting. “So now you’ve resorted to stalking?” He leaned toward her. “You know, if you wanted to meet up, all you had to do was ask.”

She didn’t even bother rolling her eyes. Like she was already on to him.

“I’ve learned quickly that this town is small and information is easy to get. Like your whereabouts. No stalking required,” she said.

“Penny told ya, huh?” Ryder asked from behind Huck.

Of course it had been Penny. Ryder’s sister would have happily spilled their location. Not that Huck was complaining. It was getting to the end of the day, and he was in the middle of demolishing the interior of a vacant house. A visit from a sexy woman was always welcome. Especially when she was wearing tight jeans, black boots, and oil stains. Jesus, the woman was gorgeous.

“I’m going to grab some air outside,” Ryder said, then left Autumn and Huck alone.

She looked him up and down, and Huck just stood there, doing his own open perusal of her body. She was oil stained, and he was dusty and dirty, and damn if they didn’t fit perfect.

“I just wanted to clear a few things up real quick,” she said. “I don’t know what you expect from me in terms of repayment for getting me the job, but—”

“I don’t expect anything,” Huck said. “I was being nice. You know, that thing that’s the opposite of what you normally are to me.”

“I’m nice,” she snapped.

He took a step closer. “Aw, honey. You’re vicious and wild.” His voice dropped lower as h

e got closer. “Don’t get me wrong, I like that about you. But the only time you’ve been nice to me is when I’ve got you pinned beneath me, kindly begging for more.”

She lifted her chin. “So this goes back to sex?”

He thought about that for a moment. He’d have to answer in the most honest way he could.

“I meant it when I said I wanted another night with you, but I didn’t put in a good word with my dad because of that. Those are two separate things.”

“Then why did you talk to your dad?”

“Because you ignored my calls, so I thought maybe a different Galvin man could get your attention. You also looked like you needed someone to come through for you.”

That seemed to hit her hard. Her whole body tensed and her breath hitched. “I don’t need special favors. I’m fine.”

Huck was on to something. Because by the way she reacted to both his words and his actions, he guessed kind gestures weren’t common in her world. But it was what she’d said that had him wondering just how thick the walls she put up around herself were. Because those two words were becoming a staple.

I’m fine.

They might be simple, but they were the heaviest two words he’d ever heard someone utter. And she used them often.

“I can take care of myself,” she clarified. But he’d already seen that tough exterior wavier just enough to give him a glimpse of that something more he was looking for.

“I have no doubt about that, honey. I just thought I’d help out. You obviously enjoy your profession, and idle hands make for the devil’s playground.”

She looked at him, and a spark of sultry lust laced those gray eyes. “I suppose that’s true.”

Tags: Joya Ryan Chasing Love Erotic