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His lips were so close, breath tickling her chin. “Does anyone else get to see the woman I saw last weekend?”

He reached up, unfastened her hair, and watched it fall across her shoulders. Her heart raced when his fingers trailed down her collarbone to the first button on her blouse.

“I miss that girl. The one who owned herself and her body. The one who was passionate and demanding.” He bit her earlobe. “Remember how you begged me to fuck you against the wall?”

Jenna couldn’t get enough air and her chest was about to implode. Every day, she walked around feeling like a part of her was bland and switched off. With Colt against her, his masculine scent engulfing her senses, the last thing she felt was turned off.

He smiled against her neck. “The only regret I have about that night was that we never made it off the bed. But we can fix that now.”

He pressed further against her until she was sandwiched snugly between Colt’s hard muscles and the cool wall behind her.

He worked the first, then the second button open. “I can keep a secret, JJ.” He licked her collarbone and she moaned. “But if you tell me right now to go, then I will.”

She met his eyes and clutched his shirt. “It’s not that I don’t want you…” Her words trailed off when Colt ran his finger along the swell of her breast. “Every time I look at you I lose my sense. I see your face and have to remind myself why this is a bad idea.”

Colt leaned back and looked her in the eye. He nodded in understanding.

“Fair enough.”

Before Jenna could take another breath, Colt twirled her around so her breasts were now against the wall and her back to him. He palmed her hips and pulled her ass into him, and the hard bulge she felt against the small of her back was unmistakable.

“This better?” he murmured and nipped her neck. She reached behind him and wound her fingers in his hair, tugging him closer.

“You’re an ass,” she groaned when he licked her pulse point and worked the last button of her blouse free.

“That may be, but I’m still waiting to hear the word.”

His hand traveled from her hip down her inner thigh, and the only thing Jenna could say in that moment was, “Stay.”

Colt couldn’t have slowed down even if he wanted to. And he didn’t. He wrapped his arms around JJ and dived past her open blouse, beneath the silk bra, and cupped her breasts.

He was rewarded with a throaty moan.

“Your skin is so fucking soft,” he mumbled in her ear before sucking on the lobe. Her nipples beaded against his palms, as if begging him for more attention. He was happy to oblige.

He pinched those sensitive peaks until she arched her back and braced her hands on the wall in front of her. She pushed out and bent at the waist, thrusting that perfect ass into Colt’s crotch. So he pinched harder and she cried out, spreading her legs wide, causing her skirt to ride up, the tight silk playing peekaboo with the cleft of her ass.

This was what he’d been waiting for. To see her ditch that modest, uptight demeanor and lose control.

“More,” she groaned. The edge in her voice made his brain short-circuit, and Colt found it difficult to work his belt open. She was so sexy, so wild, he could hardly believe he was actually seeing this happen.

He was a lucky son of a bitch.

And a woman like Jenna deserved to be pampered. Soft touches and sweeping hands. Colt had been out of his mind for her last time, and this time, with his fly open and his dick ready to go, the night was shaping up to be no different. But he could show her better. Prove that he was a gentleman. Go slow.

JJ looked over her shoulder. “What are you doing? Why’d you stop?”

He ran a hand down her back and she met his touch like a purring kitten. “I just thought I should slow down, take more time.”

JJ blew a lock of hair out of her face. “If I wanted slow,” She grabbed the hem of her skirt and hiked it up to her hips, baring her sweet ass and the tiny black thong that lined it. She bent over once more, hands firmly on the wall, and gifted Colt with the best goddamn view he’d ever seen. “I would have said so.”

She didn’t want slow? Fine.

“Ah, sugar.” He wedged his jeans low on his hips and pulled his cock free. “All you had to do was tell me you liked it quick and dirty.”

“Rough and dirty,” she replied.

Tags: Joya Ryan Chasing Love Erotic