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She smiled and dialed her cell. “And you’re a good man, Colt. Jenna is just dealing with a lot right now and it’s probably best that we just support her. From a distance.”

He knew right away what his sister was trying to say: stay away from Jenna because it won’t look good for her. And honestly, Colt could understand that. Hell, he just might agree. But sometimes when things you wanted don’t come to you, you had to get creative about getting to them.

Lily pressed the phone to her ear. “I hate canceling on Jenna, but she’ll understand…damn voicemail.”

Chapter Six

Jenna pulled up to her house and saw that Lily’s car was in the driveway. She parked and hustled out.

“I know, I know, I’m late, I’m so sorry.” Jenna set her grocery bag down by her front door and shuffled her purse off. “I had to run by the store to get—”

She choked on her words when she looked up to see not Lily but Colt reclining on her couch.

“Ah, sugar, you brought home dinner.” Colt’s smile was disarming. He wove his fingers together and put his palms behind his head, getting even more comfortable on her couch.

“What are you doing here?”

He shrugged. “Girls’ night.”

Jenna’s jaw dropped. He wasn’t wearing a hat and had obviously showered. The ends of his blond hair were still wet, his blue eyes burning, and…had he actually shaved?

“What is this?”

He frowned. “What’s what?”

“This,” she motioned her hand in his direction and Colt looked down the front of himself.

“I think it’s a shirt. Button-down. A bit fancy for my taste but the ladies seem to like it.” He smiled.

Jenna raised a brow. “Oh they do, huh? Did Yvonne like it?”

Colt’s throat worked a hard swallow but to his credit, he never took his eyes off her. “Yvonne and I had a onetime thing last year when I was visiting Diamond.”

“You don’t owe me any explanation,” Jenna said in a chipper tone, though she felt anything but.

“Then why did you ask me for one?”

Shoot! She had, hadn’t she? Here she was telling herself that she didn’t care and Colt could do whatever, or whomever, he wanted. But the truth was, she hated the idea that Yvonne had been with him. But Colt wasn’t hers to claim, not that she wanted to. She needed to get back to the matter at hand.

“You can’t keep making a habit of this, Colt. This is breaking and entering.”

He chuckled. “Lily has a key. And we McCades share.”

“Where is Lily?”

“She took Alex to a movie. He needed some mama time. She left you a message.” He tipped his chin at her purse. Crap, she hadn’t even heard her cell ring. “I was just ensuring you got it. Wouldn’t want you to worry.”

“Well, thank you. Now that I’ve received the message, you can go.”

He rose and walked toward her. “Now that you have no plans, maybe we can get that dinner.”

“Colt, I’m not trying to be mean. You know this town is small and gossip goes a long way. Just having your car parked outside my house is going to stir a bunch of rumors.”

He put his hand on the wall by her head and leaned in. “Which is why I drove Lily’s car.”

Her heart actually stopped.

“I get it, JJ. I know you’ve got a lot going on and this grant is important. I don’t want to mess that up for you. But asking me to stay away from you isn’t happening either. Not when you admitted that you want it too.”

Tags: Joya Ryan Chasing Love Erotic