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“Damn it,” Jenna mumbled and shook her head. Her stupid brain just wouldn’t let go of Colt. This whole dating conversation had been a mistake.

There were more important things she needed to focus on. Like the kids of Diamond having a safe place to learn and play after school. And she wanted to be the one to teach them. Society dictated that you couldn’t be the good teacher and the sinful wanton. Jenna of all people knew that. And so the kids, the education system, and the “good teacher” facade would win out. They always would. Because being both could never be an option.

“What’s going on with you?” Lily asked.

Too much, Jenna thought, twirling her beer on the table, but opted to say, “Oh, nothing.”

The familiar “ding” sounded as the door of Penny’s BBQ opened. An instant cry of high-pitched squeals and swoons sounded, drowning out the low hum of the jukebox. Jenna looked up and—

Frick! Colt walked through the door and was instantly surrounded by drooling women.

Lily rolled her eyes. “Goddamn buckle bunnies.”

Ryder Diamond was right behind him, as well as Huck Galvin and Sebastian Strafford. The four had been best buddies, football stars, and everything good and right in Kansas since they’d strutted out of their mamas’ wombs.

It really wasn’t fair that among the four of them, they could make up any woman’s fantasy. Ryder, with his clean-cut all-American boy-next-door look paired with his massive muscles and sense of responsibility, could easily be the next mayor of Diamond, and the hottest one to date.

Huck with his shaggy hair, piercings, and tattoos was no stranger to Diamond’s female population. How he managed to never commit to a single one of them, yet remain likable, was a pure act of magic. He told Jenna once, “As long as you’re sweet, honest, and up-front, you’ll have no problem.” Of course, he also said that being naked helped too.

Sebastian was in his typical pressed button-up and black slacks that fit him perfectly, showing his strength beneath the suit. The man should be on the cover of Esquire.

“Ladies,” Colt acknowledged, touching the bill of his ball cap. His blue gaze locked on Jenna and he wound through the gigglin

g women touching his chest and asking for autographs.

As the four men walked her way, Jenna downed the rest of her beer and kindly waved her empty bottle at Penny. “I’m going to need another.”

“Hey, sister.” Colt scooted into the booth beside Lily, ignoring the death stare JJ was currently giving him.

Ryder sat next to JJ and wrapped her up in a big hug. A flare of jealousy shot through Colt’s spine. They’d all been friends since they were kids, but for some reason Ryder’s hands on JJ made Colt all…pissy.

“Looking good, darlin’,” Ryder praised. “How was Kansas City?”

Colt leaned back, stretching his arm out along the top of the booth and grinned. “Yeah, JJ. How was your trip?”

She glared.

But Colt noticed a slight flush of her cheeks. Oh yeah, she was thinking about it. She had been clear about the whole one-night-no-tell-thing, but Colt had never been with a woman who wanted to hide him. Hell, women usually bragged about him. Sure, if Lily found out that he’d slept with her best friend, she just might have his neck, but JJ’s unease about their wild weekend and people finding out seemed a bigger deal than even that.

“It was fine.” She turned fully to Ryder, as if physically making it clear she was blocking out Colt.

Huck and Sebastian pulled up a chair at the end of the table just as Penny showed up with another round. Her stare lingered on Sebastian, like it always did. After high school, Bass had gone off to college and then law school, returning as a rather ruthless attorney. He was the only man in town who seemed to make Penny a little fidgety.

“Thanks, Penny,” Jenna said when she set the pitcher on the table.

Ryder rose and kissed his sister’s cheek.

“You all hungry?” Penny addressed the table as a whole, but Colt glanced at JJ. Fuck yeah, he was hungry.

“Some burgers would be great.” Huck smiled.

“Coming right up.”

“So you got the grant?” Huck asked JJ, picking up where Ryder’s line of questioning left off.

She took a deep breath and glanced at Lily. Colt recognized this look. The two women had basically grown up under the same roof and could communicate without speaking a word.

Tags: Joya Ryan Chasing Love Erotic