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“Those Taylor women are vicious,” Penny said.

“You’ll be fine, honey,” Lily interjected and patted Jenna’s hand. “I’ve never seen you do anything crazy or irresponsible in your life.”

But I have…and he’s your brother.

Heat rushed to Jenna’s cheeks. Where had that come from? She’d seen Colt at the pool that morning, but she was certain their chat had gone well and he understood she wasn’t interested.

Tell that to her breasts—which were still tingling from where Colt’s mouth had been.

No. She would stay strong. With her life under a microscope, the last thing Jenna needed was a scandal with the two-time national bull-riding champ and acclaimed ladies’ man. That kind of thing would dash any hopes she had of heading up the after-school program.

Colt may not have a reputation like Jenna’s mother, but he definitely had one. One that turned heads and garnered the kind of attention Jenna wasn’t looking for. He was the wrong kind of man for Jenna and the image she was trying to project. Colt McCade was not the kind of man to be seen as “responsible.” He was his own scandal waiting to happen with a panty-melting grin to match.

Nope. Colt’s smile, hard chest, and shocking blue eyes would not sway her.

Damn. Had she just swayed in her seat?

Her mind might be made up about Colt McCade, but her body certainly wasn’t.

“I’ve got to get back behind the bar.” Penny smiled. “Everything will work out, Jenna. We know the kind of person you are and we’ll back you.”

Jenna forced a smile. Lily and Penny were wonderful. They had supported her since they were kids. But Penny’s words stung Jenna’s mind. “We know the kind of person you are” still rang in her ears and left an ache in her gut.

It wasn’t the kind of person Jenna was that terrified her. It was the kind of person she could be viewed as. She was Miranda’s offspring, after all. What happened if she took one false step and everyone branded her the next Diamond Jezebel?

Always so careful to never cause an issue with anyone, hell, she hadn’t even started dating until she was several miles away and in college. Which also meant she didn’t get out much. Jenna tapped the side of her drink with a fingernail, realizing how boring her life really was. But she wanted this after-school program.

She thought of Abigail’s eyes and how most days she had tears in them. Though she wasn’t in Jenna’s class anymore, Abigail visited Jenna’s classroom during recess. They’d chat for a little bit and the girl just seemed to like having someone to talk to. To listen.

This past year, Jenna had gotten bits and pieces of information out of her and the truth broke Jenna’s heart. Abigail was fighting against the same things Jenna had been when she was young. With a parent who didn’t notice you or really care, it was hard to progress. And Abigail needed help and support if she was going to make it through school without being held back. If she could stay in the after-school program, Jenna could work with her on reading and homework, and get her a healthy snack at the very least. Maybe once she had the job, she could really make a difference. Maybe she would also finally be seen herself, as a viable member of the community.

She scoffed. There was lots to do before she could entertain the idea of dating.

“What are you thinking about over there? Hopefully something besides this grant thing,” Lily asked.

Jenna shrugged. “Actually, I was thinking about dating.”

Lily’s eyes shot wide. “Seriously! Jenna, that would be awesome. You need a man so bad.”

“Hey, I’m not that hard up.” But Jenna didn’t even sound convincing to herself. Truth was, technically she’d had sex more recently than probably any of her girlfriends. Not that she could talk about it.

Colt’s face flashed in her mind.

That night had been the most incredible of her life. And Colt was everything she’d dreamed he would be. Just the memory of his hands on her made her wet. She wanted him. Over and over.

No! Those thoughts needed to exit her brain immediately. Because having a repeat session with Colt was beyond a bad idea.

“Do you have someone in mind?” Lily placed her chin in her palm and smiled big. Just like she did when they were in high school talking about the football team. And yes, Jenna did have someone in mind. But that is where he would stay.

“Ah, I hear Lenny Wilson is single.”

Lily frowned and dropped her hand from her face like she’d just eaten a slab of charcoal. “The insurance agent? He’s…”

“Nice?” Jenna offered.

“I was going to say boring as hell.”

Jenna’s chest deflated a little on a slow exhale. Yeah, Lenny was kind of stale. But he was safe. Not the kind of man who gave women an instant temperature issue just by tossing a smile at them. Not the kind who knew exactly how to kiss every inch of your body and came with consuming passion that took you over and made you mindless.

Tags: Joya Ryan Chasing Love Erotic