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Billy came around the corner from the bedroom and stopped at the sight of me. In his face I saw the truth, and in his hands, I saw my money jar and the folder that held all my plans.

I turned to race for the door, but he got to me first.

Chapter 11


Less than twenty-four hours later and I was still riding the high of feeling Ash’s lips on mine. By most standards, the kiss had been relatively tame, but it may as well have been my first because I couldn’t remember even one kiss that had left me so completely off-balance.

In the best way.

And that grin Ash had shot me as I’d left him in the park, his lips still plump and wet from our kiss.… I knew it would stay with me for the rest of my life.

God, if Bennett could see me now I’d never hear the end of it.

Because I couldn’t wipe the damn smile off my face.

Even as the chilly March air settled around me and impatient New Yorkers bumped my shoulders as they rushed past to get to wherever it was they were going, I was grinning like an idiot and imagining what Ash’s sweet smile would look like this morning when he saw me. Would he blush like he was prone to do when he was embarrassed, or would his eyes heat with hunger? Impatient to find out the answer to my question, I quickened my step and sent up a silent prayer that the coffee shop would somehow miraculously not be busy this morning.

Predictably, my prayer went unheeded. The line was as long as ever. As soon as I got inside, I moved to the side a bit so I could spy my guy and frowned when it wasn’t him behind the register, but a girl I recognized from the afternoon shift. I moved to the opposite side of the line and saw that Emily was working her usual spot behind the espresso machine. I tried to catch her eye, but she was caught up in her work. I shifted again in the hopes of spying Ash coming out of the back room, but he didn’t appear. A niggle of concern went through me, and I bypassed the line and made my way up to Emily’s side of the counter. Her eyes lifted to meet mine as I moved toward her and my step faltered when I saw the tension in her gaze.

Where the fuck was Ash?

Emily met me on the far side of the counter where the numerous bottles of syrup were kept. “Where is he?” I asked.

“He’s gone, Aiden.”

My stomach dropped out. “Gone. What do you mean?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know. He just up and quit this morning.”

“That’s not possible,” I said. “He wouldn’t do that,” I added, because even though there was a lot I didn’t know about Ash, I knew he’d never leave Emily in the lurch like that.

“I know,” she said as she lifted her hands half-heartedly. She was clearly as confused as me by the turn of events. “I asked him what he wanted me to do with his last check and he said just to mail it to him.”

“It doesn’t make sense,” I muttered as I dug out my phone and dialed Ash’s number. “Pick up,” I said to myself as I turned away from the counter. “Pick up,” I repeated as the ringing continued. I bit back a curse as Ash’s voicemail picked up. “Hey, it’s me… Aiden. Give me a call, okay?” I said before hanging up the phone.

There had to be an explanation.

I shot him a text, too, and stared at the screen for a moment to look for the three dots that indicated he was responding.

There was nothing.

“Anything?” I heard Emily ask from behind me.

I turned and saw she was busily working, but her eyes were on me.

I shook my head. “It doesn’t make sense,” I said again as I stared at my phone, willing it to ring or beep or do something… anything to ease the worry that was growing in my belly.

“Hey,” I heard behind me, and I turned to see Emily holding up a cup. “On the house,” she said with a nod.

I took the drink and nodded. “Thanks,” I said. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a business card. “Will you call me if you hear from him?” I asked. “My cell number’s on here.”

Emily added, “I will, honey. I’m sure he’s fine.”

I managed a nod, but that was it. I grabbed my coffee and left the shop. I waited until I was out of sight before I threw the coffee away, since I knew I wouldn’t even taste it at this point. Not with the nerves skittering around in my belly.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Ash’s number again, but there was still no answer. Just as I was about to put it in my pocket, it did ring and I answered it without even looking at the caller ID.

Tags: Lucy Lennox, Sloane Kennedy Twist of Fate M-M Romance