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After we’d completed the circuit around the reservoir, Aiden mentioned needing to head home to prepare for an important meeting the following day. Even though I knew his job needed his attention, every part of me wanted to stay and flirt with him some more.

Aiden held my hand until it was time for us to part ways at the entrance to the park. The mere act of being allowed to be in the open with him like that was amazing. But to have him want to hold my hand?

The emotions bombarding me were indescribable. Even on our best days, Billy had never held my hand. And when I’d asked him about it once, he’d laughed at me and told me to stop acting like a girl.

“Thanks for letting me crash your run,” he said with a smile.

“You’re welcome. See you in the morning for coffee?”

He reached his fingers out to tilt my chin up. Up until then, he’d only really kissed me on the cheek. The exception had been the sweet but chaste kisses at the dessert shop on Friday night. I wasn’t sure why he was waiting when I could clearly tell he was interested, but it didn’t really matter. I knew I wanted more than just a kiss on the cheek from Aiden that day.

Not allowing any time to talk myself out of it, I lurched forward and latched my mouth onto his, throwing my arms around his neck and practically slamming our bodies together. Aiden’s arms came around me instinctively, pulling me in even tighter to him.

His mouth was warm and his tongue tasted like mint. I wondered idly if he’d brushed his teeth before meeting me, and the thought made me feel special somehow. One of his hands made its way up to thread through my hair, and I let out a sound of contentment. Our mouths worked in tandem, getting to know each other and finding the best ways to fit together. His tongue was exploratory and mine danced around it, trying to drink him all in at once. I felt the prickle of his beard stubble against my tender skin, and the warm puffs of air from his nose contrasted with the cooler air around us.

My hands went into his hair to draw his head in to make sure he never pulled away from me. I wanted him to stay there forever with me— against my body, in my mouth, on my mind. Before long I realized his lips had left my mouth and traveled down my jaw to my neck. His hands were cupping the sides of my face and his chest was heaving with panting breaths.

“Want you,” I breathed without thinking. “So much.”

Aiden’s eyes snapped up in surprise, and I realized what I’d said. Oh fuck. Had I really said it out loud? Had I meant it?

I wondered if maybe my unease showed in my face because his surprise softened into sweetness and he leaned in to drop a kiss on my nose.

“Ash, you have no idea how much I want you right now. But there’s no rush. I’ll see you tomorrow.” It seemed like he had to force himself to release me. He gave me a lingering look and then turned away, but stopped and cast me a glance over his shoulder. “By the way, our next date… the Botanical Gardens,” he said with a smile. “There’s a very special place I want to show you.”

And with that, he was gone.

I practically skipped all the way home, thinking of Aiden. A fresh start. My job, new friends. I finally felt free in a way I hadn’t felt before and it made my heart soar. The puppy-love fool in me decided to fix pasta again for dinner because it would remind me of our date on Friday night at the Italian place.

When I got home, I entered the apartment, intending to put water on to boil and then hop in the shower. But I came to a stumbling halt at the sight of a familiar suitcase next to the sofa. My hand flew to my chest as my heart started pounding. All I could think about were the piles of clothes and towels in the bedroom, the unmade bed, the fact that I was still wearing Aiden’s kisses on my lips.

My brain scrambled to decide whether to stay or bolt. I hadn’t seen Billy since the day I’d told him we were done. I’d already made the decision not to stay with Billy any longer, regardless that I didn’t have enough money saved up to get my own apartment, so if he was back early, that meant it was time to go. But I couldn’t go without the cash that I had managed to save up. I couldn’t go without my dad’s guitar and my journal. I took a few tentative steps inside the apartment while my brain ran through all the possible scenarios.

Tags: Lucy Lennox, Sloane Kennedy Twist of Fate M-M Romance