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He wraps me in a tight embrace and I have to accept what is going unsaid. What happens next will not be about me. It will be about Jax. My story is over, but I have a feeling hers is only just beginning…

* * *

A royal alien tyrant has captured me.

He plans to make me pay for the sins of my species.

Humans must obey their korabi overlords, but my family crossed this cruel alien king.

Krush believes I am a stupid, broken human good only for receiving his wrath.

He thinks my pain will absolve his.

He is wrong.

I am smarter than he imagines. I am stronger than he expects.

And punishing the innocent is not the same as bringing the guilty to justice, even when you believe one human is the same as any other.

Soon there will be questions we both must answer.

Could his hatred turn to love?

Would I ever forgive him if it did?

* * *

Tags: Loki Renard Alien Overlords Science Fiction