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“You might be.”

He lowers his mouth to my exposed neck and traces the curve of my neck with the tips of his very sharp teeth. He makes me feel wickedly alive. My pulse flutters beneath that row of death in potentia, and I feel my inner tightness become fluid for him.

He touches me, his fingers between my legs. He reaches right for my core and squeezes it gently. He can be tender, this brute. He is surprising, too. I cannot believe that he has thought of me since his escape from the Unzone, and that he has even gone so far as to seek me out, to catch me for our mutual pleasure.

“This is wrong,” I remind him, enhancing my own pleasure with the words. I love how wrong this is. He is the oppressor, and I should hate him. I do hate him, I think, on some level. But that doesn’t stop me from being very, very attracted to him.

He takes me down the alley and inside the broken building. It is long abandoned and thoroughly scavenged.

“I wanted you the moment I saw you,” he purrs, his massive body casting a near-permanent shadow over mine.

“You didn’t see me until I hit you. You korabi are slow.”

“Predators do not need to be as sensitive to their environments as prey,” he leers, his hands running over my shoulders and down the sides of my body. It is such a strange and oddly powerful sensation to be handled by a beast like him. He could kill me at any moment, but it is not death he intends for me. It is a pleasure so illicit he is risking his life to claim it.

“You must be mad,” I moan softly as his hands find more sensitive parts of my body. “You could be killed for this.”

“I could be killed for anything. You don’t become a soldier to be safe. You become one to conquer new territory.” His dark eyes light up at me. “You.”

So that’s what this is, a conquest.

I am willing to be conquered in the mind of this monster if it means I get to sate the desire between my thighs. There are no men to mate within my little group of what has become family. There have been no men to mate within far too long, and I would never have considered a korabi until this very moment, but Rath is different. I don’t know why, but he is.

He runs a claw affectionately down the side of my face.

“You are a very strange little human,” he says. “There is something about you that is quite astonishing.”

There’s not. I’m just the first human to stand up to him and probably to be useful to him in any way.

“You are very beautiful. You are soft, and you are curvy, and yet you are strong within the limitations of your human frame, of course.”

“If this is your idea of sweet talk, it’s not very sweet.”

“No?” He chuckles and leans in, massive muscular arms on either side of my head as he backs me up against another wall. I find myself surrounded on four sides by hard and unyielding material. Some of it is living, and three-quarters of it wants to fuck me. “Do you want sweet, human? Or do you want hard?”

He pulls at the crotch of his royal uniform, exposing the rock-like ridge of the appendage I felt pressing against me as we moved here in tandem, two souls seeking a place to hide away from the prying eyes of everything.

His cock is huge and throbs with dark menace. It is so much larger than anything naturally meant to fit inside me, and yet I find myself more curious and flushed with desire than before. Everything about this is a bad idea. That is why my eyes are locked on his rod with so much intensity I cannot bring myself to look away.

“Touch it,” he encourages me. “Stroke it. Wet it with your mouth.”

These must be strange korabi sexual practices. I do not know why a male’s rod would ever go inside a female’s mouth. There is no point to it at all. I do as he says, not because he is a royal korabi guard and I am a human, but because my carnal curiosity drives me more powerfully than any sense of pride or humiliation could stop me.

His cock tastes vaguely salty and has some other flavor I have never experienced before. It is somewhat sour and yet very rich. Meaty and, of course, alien. Krabi are not made of the same material as humans. Their flesh is not like ours. But his cock fills my mouth in a way that satisfies me on some level I can’t quite fathom. I want him. I want every part of him. And I want it now.

Tags: Loki Renard Alien Overlords Science Fiction