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‘Mmm,’ he said, more concerned with dipping his head to brush his lips over the fall of her hair. ‘The best time in the world, but of course—the moment I’m most looking forward to is when the fireworks are over and I can take you along to the penthouse suite to continue our own, very private party.’

‘I’m looking forward to it, too,’ said Lucy. ‘Though I’m still not quite sure why we’re staying the night here, when we only live down the road in Mayfair and have a car at our disposal.’

‘I thought you might enjoy sleeping in the same bed we occupied on the first night of our honeymoon.’ His mouth quirked. ‘Or not sleeping, as the case may be.’

Lucy gave a contented sigh. ‘You are a very romantic man, Drakon Konstantinou—as well as being an exceedingly sexy one.’

‘I do my best. Because I gather that’s what you like.’ He whispered a fingertip over her waist. ‘Am I right, agape mou?’

‘Irrefutably,’ she purred.

It was New Year’s Eve and Drakon had thrown the party to end all parties to celebrate the discovery of a new oil field, which was being mooted as the biggest find in almost a century. And although Lucy sometimes mused that he really didn’t need to earn any more money, the philanthropic arm of his empire had benefited in so many ways that she couldn’t really complain. Her husband had taken over the entire hotel and the evening was—apparently—the hottest New Year ticket in town. Movers and shakers had flown in from pretty much every country in the world, as well as Hollywood actors and international sports stars, whose arrival was thrilling the growing crowds who had gathered outside behind the roped-off barriers.

Everyone who’d been at their wedding was here. Caro and her husband, as well as Lucy’s two waitress friends, Judii and Jade. Patti and Tom were enjoying their first outing since the birth of their second child. And Amy was there too, with her not-so-new partner and proclaimed love of her life. Lucy smiled. When she and Drakon had decided to give their marriage another go, he had arranged a meeting with Amy. Gently, he’d explained to his business partner that the smokescreen of their close working relationship must necessarily end, because he intended travelling a lot less in future and spending more time with his family. Perhaps his words had galvanised her into action, for Amy had taken Michelle to meet her parents and told them she was in love. And in the end, perhaps her parents had recognised that their daughter’s happiness was more important than a prejudice which they simply had to learn to let go of.

Lucy sighed as she stared up at a clear and starlit sky, which boded well for the eagerly awaited fireworks. What a long time ago their wedding seemed now, and how the years seemed to have flown by in the time it took to blink your eye. Three whole years—and back then she’d been so scared. A trembling mass of nerves in her too-fancy dress as she’d walked down the aisle towards a man she’d never stopped wanting. She’d never for a moment imagined she’d get love and devotion from someone who made no secret of having a heart of stone. But Drakon’s heart wasn’t made of stone, she’d realised. These days she would describe it as a heart of gold—for he had learnt to show his love, not just for her, but for their darling little Xander, who flourished with each day which passed.

‘Something is different about you,’ Drakon said, his velvety voice breaking into her thoughts.

Lucy turned her attention away from the star-spangled sky to study the ruggedly handsome face of her husband. ‘What do you mean, different?’

He shrugged. ‘You’ve been...thoughtful all day,’ he said slowly. ‘And your face has a kind of radiance about it which I’ve never seen before.’

How perceptive he was, Lucy thought, and savoured the moment before telling him what she still couldn’t quite believe herself. ‘I’m pregnant, my darling,’ she said softly. ‘I’m having your baby, Drakon.’

He stared at her without comprehension and it was several dazed moments before he could speak. ‘But you said—’

‘That I had endometriosis and because of that I was infertile, yes. That’s what I was told. So when I started getting symptoms of pregnancy, I thought it must be something else. But when I saw the doctor this morning, she confirmed what I hardly dared dream. She told me that miracles do happen, and this is ours, Drakon—our very own miracle.’

Drakon felt a lump rise in his throat and the hot spring of tears at the backs of his eyes as he put his arms around her and held her tightly against his beating heart. Not for the first time, he wondered what he had done to deserve a wife like Lucy. A woman who had been prepared to take on an orphaned baby and to love the helpless tot without condition, just as she loved him. She had forgiven her sometimes irascible husband his many transgressions and taught him the things in life which were truly important, and the most important of these was love.

‘I discovered that myself on the day I met you again, my love,’ he said gruffly. ‘Although it took me a long time to realise it.’

She pulled back from him. ‘Realise what?’

‘That miracles really do come true. Sometimes they are right in front of your just have to let your vision clear for long enough to see them properly.’

‘Oh, Drakon,’ she said shakily.

The first chime of Big Ben rang out and the guests began counting down the seconds towards midnight. Trumpets sounded and streamers were popped and people started to sing as the final chime faded away. But as one year merged seamlessly into the next and a kaleidoscope of fireworks exploded on the London skyline, nothing came close to the burst of joy in Drakon’s heart as he held Lucy tightly in his arms, and kissed her.

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Tags: Sharon Kendrick Billionaire Romance