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After that, Dominic felt himself get lost in the feel of Sammy’s soft, hungry mouth, only vaguely aware of pulling his shirt off Sammy and kicking off their boxers. The feel of Sammy’s young, smooth skin against his mouth was fucking glorious. Dominic dragged his lips down Sammy’s neck, kissing and nibbling the unblemished, perfect skin… so soft… so responsive and sensitive to the touch… Sammy keened when Dominic latched on his pink nipple, Sam’s fingers burying in Dominic’s hair and pushing his head down unsubtly.

He went, licking and kissing his way down Sammy’s fluttering, pale tummy, to his leaking, hard cock. Sammy moaned when Dominic swallowed it in his mouth.

It wasn’t the first cock Dominic had ever sucked. But it was the first time he actually wanted to do it. Now he could almost understand why Sammy got off on sucking cock. The feel of Sammy’s cock moving in his mouth was surprisingly okay. The noises the boy was making were more than just okay, and Dominic sucked the cock harder, wanting to hear more of them.

When he sensed that Sammy was close, Dominic pulled off. Looking at the panting, flushed boy under him, he reached down and gave his own cock a tug, to stave off his arousal, a little surprised that he hadn’t lost his erection at all while he sucked Sam’s.

“Lube?” Sammy said, looking at Dominic’s cock with something that could only be described as hunger.

And fuck, did he want to sate that hunger.

“Yes,” Dominic said tersely, reaching out to the drawer for the bottle of lube and condoms he kept there. “Get on your stomach.”

Sammy blinked at him dazedly, watching Dominic slick his fingers up, and then did as he was told: he got on his knees, elbows dropping to the bed, ass up and back curved in an arch that was pure pornography.

Dominic licked his dry lips, remembering how tight that ass was, how good it felt to be inside it and watch Sammy come apart on his cock.

Setting his jaw, Dominic put on a condom and prepped the boy as carefully as his impatience allowed, unable to look away from Sammy’s hole, which was red and shiny where it was stretched around his thick fingers.

“Come on,” Sammy whispered, his voice catching. “Please. Don’t want fingers—want you.”

“Yeah.” Dominic removed his fingers, watching in fascination as the hole clenched around nothing. Leaning down, he gave it a long lick.

Sammy moaned, his back arching. “Nick—”

Dominic gave his hole another lick before straightening and lining his cock up against the glistening opening. He nudged the fat head against it, teasing them both for a long moment before pushing in with a groan. Sammy shuddered under him, a high pitched whine leaving his lips as his inner walls clenched around Dominic’s cock tightly.

Christ. So fucking good.

Gripping Sammy’s hips, Dominic started thrusting, his eyes squeezed shut, a snarl twisting his lips as he focused on not coming like a goddamn virgin. He wanted to make Sammy feel good. That was his priority, not his own pleasure.

Teeth sunk deep into his bottom lip, Dominic angled his thrusts until he managed to hit Sammy’s prostate at least on every other thrust. It was surprisingly difficult and not because he didn’t know how to do it. He was proficient enough at sex with men, but with the male marks he could easily focus on nailing the man’s prostate, because he didn’t have to fight his own need to chase his pleasure. With the male marks, Dominic had been an agent in full control of himself; with Sammy, he was just a man struggling for control.

Sammy wasn’t exactly helping his self-control, fucking himself back on Dominic’s cock with wanton abandon, letting out a constant stream of moans and whines that only served to spur Dominic on even more. Sammy was such a sweet boy, but he was absolutely shameless in bed. Dominic liked it, liked what a slut for his cock the boy was. Sammy fucked as though he couldn’t live without it—without Dominic’s cock in him. It shouldn’t have been so damn arousing, but fuck…

Dominic felt his thrusts grow forceful and erratic, the headboard banging against the wall. Growling, Dominic grabbed Sammy’s cock and started stroking it in the same rhythm as his thrusts. Sammy sobbed out something unintelligible and came, his hole clenching hard around Dominic’s cock.

Groaning, Dominic let his control slip further, his grip on Sammy’s hips now bruising, and he sucked harshly at the skin of Sammy’s nape as pleasure overtook him, drowning him in sensations that intensified until they exploded in a climax that left him clutching Sammy to him.

God. Jesus fucking Christ.

It felt like hours passed before he could think again.

“Fuck, I’m crushing you.” He rolled off Sammy and kissed the back of the boy’s neck, breathing in his scent. “Are you okay?”

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