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“What do you mean?” Sammy said. “There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re a good man.”

Dominic stared at him. “You still think that after watching my date with Luke? After watching me worm my way into his trust by manipulating his emotions and insecurities?” And he’d done things much worse than that in the past, things Sammy was better off not knowing.

Sam’s lips folded into a thin line. “A while ago, you told me that what happens on a mission shouldn’t affect the real me. Why doesn’t it apply to you? It’s not as though you want to hurt people, right? It’s not you. It’s your job.”

“I know,” Dominic said. “It’s just…” He cradled Sammy’s cheek with his hand, soaking up the affection in Sammy’s eyes. He’d been craving this all day. He’d spent the day either being a nameless Agent 11 or pretending to be a person he wasn’t. On days like this, Dominic felt like a fraud, a man with fake emotions, fake behavior, and fake sexuality. It didn’t help that he was using his real name for this mission, which messed with his head more than any undercover work ever did. He wanted something real. Something that was only his.

“I’m trying to be a better man,” he said, looking at Sammy’s lips.

“There’s nothing wrong with you,” Sammy whispered, licking his lips with the tip of his tongue. “Stop saying stupid things and kiss me.”

There’s everything wrong with me, Dominic thought as he leaned in and did as requested. Sammy’s lips trembled at the barest touch, parting for his tongue with eagerness that destroyed any remnants of self-control he’d possessed. Dominic groaned and licked his way into Sammy’s mouth, wanting to put himself deeper into the boy until all he could feel was Sammy and his warmth and affection. Fuck, this was… this was something he’d been looking forward to all day, if Dominic were honest with himself. This—feeling Sammy’s trembling, needy lips against his—this was real. This was his. Sammy was his.

After his past experiences with male marks, Dominic had been confident he could never be attracted to a man—sex with men had always felt wrong, even with Viagra—but he couldn’t deny that he was drawn to this boy, emotionally attracted to him in a way he’d never been to any woman, and that emotional attachment seemed to spill over and mutate into a physical need, his sexuality be damned. He wanted Sammy’s warmth and affection so much that he wanted to put himself inside the boy as deep as he could until he was Sammy’s entire world.

Jesus, the direction of his thoughts was fucking disturbing. Dominic was aware that their relationship was becoming dangerously unbalanced, with Dominic having too much power over the boy—financial, emotional, and physical—and it surely couldn’t be healthy, but Sam didn’t seem to care. Sammy wasn’t even coy about it, just giving himself over to him, honest and eager, trusting him not to hurt him—or hurt him, if Dominic wanted to. It was addictive in the worst possible way, and Dominic knew he shouldn’t indulge himself in this, but he found himself kissing Sam harder and deeper, pulling the boy closer and then rolling on top of him when it wasn’t enough. Fuck, he wanted to crawl inside Sammy and drown in him.

“Nick,” Sammy whispered against his lips, his voice shaky and hoarse, his hands clutching Dominic’s bare shoulders helplessly. “Stop kissing me like this unless you’re gonna fuck me. This is cruel. Stop kissing me or fuck me.”

Tearing himself away from that sweet, addictive mouth, Dominic stared at the boy under him: at his flushed face and red, puffy lips, at his long, pale legs parted wantonly to accommodate Dominic’s hips. He couldn’t see Sammy’s erection, but he could feel it against his thigh, long and slim, like everything about the boy.

Objectively, he shouldn’t want Sammy. He liked his women the curvier the better, and the pale, lanky boy under him shouldn’t turn him on. But God help them both, he did. Dominic was hard as a rock, his body eager for sex, eager to fuck, to take, to consume.

It made no sense. His hunger for Sammy defied logic, sexuality, and rational thought, originating from something more primitive than normal attraction. It felt like a force, a force he couldn’t fight. Even the power imbalance between them just turned him on. He liked being able to provide Sammy with material possessions. He liked that Sammy had an obvious crush on him. He liked being the center of Sammy’s world.

And he didn’t want that to ever change.

Bloody hell. He was turning into a creep.

“So are you gonna fuck me or not?” Sammy said, looking at him dazedly, his fingers digging into Dominic’s buttocks.

“I will.”

Sammy’s eyes widened, his well-kissed mouth falling open. He stared at Dominic unblinkingly for what felt like hours before yanking Dominic’s head down and kissing him wetly.

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