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Vlad leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. “So?”

“He killed himself,” Sebastian said hoarsely, holding his gaze. “Because of bullies like you who don’t think before opening their mouths. Words can have a lot of power and do a lot of damage.”

Vlad pursed his lips. He averted his gaze before looking back at Sebastian. “Then he was weak,” he said gruffly. “You clearly didn’t kill yourself over that.”

“No, I didn’t,” Sebastian said. “Because unlike him, I wasn’t from a religious family. I was also out, and I was used to that kind of bullshit. He wasn’t. So next time, before you go off about freaks and faggots, please stop and think twice.”

Vlad hated being lectured. He hated feeling wrong-footed even more.

“You done?” Vlad got to his feet swiftly. He wasn’t prepared for how close they would end up. He was practically looming over the other man. Although Sebastian was almost as tall as him, he was nowhere near as big, and Vlad couldn’t deny he got a perverse pleasure from the knowledge that he could easily manhandle and subdue the mouthy little shit.

Sebastian licked his lips nervously, no doubt aware of it as well, but he held his ground, a mere few inches separating their faces.

“Yeah, you’ve got nothing to say so you’re resorting to physical intimidation,” Sebastian murmured. “How predictable.”

“I’ve got plenty to say,” Vlad said. “I just don’t want to hurt your sensitive gay feelings.”

Sebastian’s eyes flashed. “For the record, while I don’t particularly care about labels, some bisexual people might find it offensive to be constantly mislabeled as gay—or straight. Bisexuality is a valid sexuality. All sexualities must be respected.”

Vlad shrugged nonchalantly, well aware that it would make Sebastian mad. “Gays take it up the ass. You take it up the ass. Same difference.”

A tick started in Sebastian’s cheek. “You ignorant—urgh!” He lifted his hands in frustration, looking positively murderous.

Vlad smiled, crossing his arms over his chest. “What?”

“I’m gonna—” Sebastian shoved at him. “Urgh, you’re doing it on purpose, aren’t you?!”

“What’s going on here?” Luke’s concerned voice cut in.

Vlad didn’t turn to him, still smiling at Sebastian’s red, furious face.

“Is Vlad bothering you, Sebastian?” Luke said. “Just say the word and I’ll have him fired. No one insults my guests.”

Sebastian looked from Vlad to Luke, hesitation on his face.

Vlad raised an eyebrow, daring him.

Sebastian glared at him, his lips pursing briefly. “No. He’s nothing I can’t handle.”

Looking in Sebastian’s eyes, Vlad wasn’t sure which of them had issued a challenge to the other.

Chapter 7

Sebastian had never been so utterly, totally mad. Generally, he was kind of shit at being mad and staying mad. His sister always made fun of him when he got angry, saying that he looked like a puppy trying to look menacing before forgetting about it and wanting to play.

The strength of his own anger took him by surprise. Not that it was difficult to stay angry when the reason for his anger was around pretty much all the time.

Stroking his cat, Sebastian glared at Vlad, who was lounging on the couch in front of the TV. Luke had confided in him that the murders weren’t the only reason Vlad was appointed as Luke’s bodyguard, but he didn’t clarify. Although Sebastian was curious, he hadn’t asked. It was none of his business. Either way, Luke was forced to work from home for the time being. Sebastian had overheard Luke and Vlad arguing about it as he was leaving to get his things and his cat—Luke did say it was okay to bring Hermione. It hadn’t taken Sebastian long to pack his stuff and return to Luke’s flat. He had considered staying out for a while to avoid Vlad, but if he was honest, he felt a little uneasy being alone outside after what had happened.

When some lunatics had started targeting prominent LGBT figures a few months ago, Sebastian had been dismayed and concerned, of course, but he hadn’t really been afraid for himself. The other night’s events had finally made him realize that the danger was very much real.

That was how Sebastian found himself hanging out at Luke’s place pretty much all day with only Vlad for company. Well, Luke was there too, but, as the CEO of Whitford Industries, Luke had a crazy amount of paperwork and spent most of the time in his study on the phone with his employees. Sebastian wished he could go to work too and take his mind off the unpleasant things, but, as luck would have it, he was between gigs. He’d fulfilled most of his contractual obligations during New York Fashion Week, and normally he would be delighted by the reprieve, but there was nothing normal about this situation.

“Is there a reason you’re here?” Vlad said suddenly.


“You aren’t watching the movie,” Vlad said, his eyes still on the TV. “Why don’t you go to your room, do yoga, paint your nails or something?”

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