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Vlad just glowered at him and grabbed the cup of coffee off the table. He took a greedy sip.

“That was mine, actually.”

Vlad paused before taking another long sip.

“Tosser,” Sebastian said.

Vlad shrugged. “Don’t know the word, but back at you.” He lifted his gaze to the other man and pushed the empty plate toward him.

Sebastian’s eyebrows flew up. “You aren’t actually expecting me to feed you, right?” His tone was so incredulous and annoyed that Vlad almost laughed.

“I am,” he said, keeping a straight face. He couldn’t deny he enjoyed getting this guy riled up. “I’m a big man, and I burned a lot of calories saving your fat ass last night.”

“Excuse me?” Sebastian spluttered. “My ass isn’t—” He stopped and smiled sweetly. “Why, I didn’t know you noticed my ass, Vlad. Careful, or people might get the wrong idea, mate.”

Vlad gritted his teeth. “It’s in front of me and it’s huge. Hard to miss, mate.” It really was hard to miss; those thin gray sweatpants left nothing to the imagination. Vlad scowled at it before lifting his gaze. “You sure you’re a model, with a fat ass like that?”

Sebastian’s smile widened. “I actually have a contract with Calvin Klein. They don’t seem to mind my fat ass.”

“Odd,” Vlad said, pushing at his plate again. “I’m hungry, hurry up.”

“Unbelievable,” Sebastian said. “First you steal my coffee and now you demand to be fed. I understand that you were probably a stereotypical jock who bullied people into doing what you wanted, but you’re a bit too old for that. Grow up and feed yourself.”

“You make a lot of assumptions about me,” Vlad said, casting the other man a curious look. Not that Sebastian was entirely wrong, but there was something about the way he’d said it that made Vlad wonder.

“Do I?” Sebastian said, leaning his hip against the table right next to Vlad’s chair. His t-shirt rode up a little, flashing a glimpse of his toned pale stomach. “Are you going to deny you’re used to bossing people around? That you get angry when you don’t get your way?”

“I was the head of security for a billionaire for a decade. It was my job to boss people around.” Vlad added irritably, “Can’t you stand somewhere else? You’re crowding me.”

Sebastian cocked his head to the side. “Are you afraid of catching gay cooties?” he said, a mischievous glint appearing in his eyes. “I’m afraid that ship has sailed.” He licked his lips with a wink.

That little faggot.

“Is that supposed to be seductive?” Vlad bit off.

“I don’t know,” Sebastian said, stepping closer, between Vlad’s thighs. “Are you seduced? Or are you about to call me a faggot and punch me?”

Vlad gave him what he hoped was a flat look. “It won’t work. So you can quit trying to get me fired.”

Sebastian frowned. “What?”

“Cut the crap,” Vlad said. “You know Luke is just looking for an excuse to complain about me to Roman and get me fired. You aren’t going to provoke me into losing my temper and doing something you fa—fucktards can call homophobic.”

“Nice catch,” Sebastian said, his lips twitching.

“I have no idea what you mean,” Vlad said with a straight face. “Anyway, nothing you do will provoke me, so stop.” And step back. He wasn’t comfortable with this guy all over his personal space. It made him itchy in his own skin.

Sebastian just looked at him for a long moment. “Nothing?” he said softly, a devilish glint appearing in his eyes again.

It made Vlad wary, but he could hardly take it back. Challenge issued. “Nothing. Whitford’s brat already got me fired once. I’m not letting it happen again.” He was going to keep his opinions to himself even if it killed him. He wouldn’t give Sebastian and Luke the satisfaction of ratting him out to Roman.

“Am I supposed to be impressed by your newfound restraint?” Sebastian said, raising his eyebrows a little. “I would have been impressed if you actually realized how close-minded and hurtful your opinions were and decided to change.”

“Everyone is entitled to their opinion,” Vlad said. “We live in a democratic world.”

“Sure,” Sebastian said amiably. “But sometimes your opinions can do actual damage. Have you ever stopped to think how many people you made feel shitty about themselves just for being born that way? How many people you made feel worthless?”

Vlad rolled his eyes. “Stop over-dramatizing. They’re just words. If you can’t take a different opinion, it’s not my problem.”

“Just words,” Sebastian repeated flatly, his expression darkening. His voice was very soft as he continued. “You know, when I was seventeen, there was a boy living down the street from us. He was my first kiss, my first boyfriend. When some dumb jocks like you found out about us, they called us faggots, disgusting poofs, freaks, told us that we were going to hell and so on—just words, you know.”

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