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“DuVal, DuVal—both of you come back this instant!” the coach yelled.

“Yes, go back to training,” Gabriel said, glowering at his brother.

Tristan ignored him, his gaze still on Jared. “I’m really glad you’re back, Jared,” he said, stroking Jared’s arm and giving him puppy-dog eyes that somehow managed to be seductive.

Jared just smiled in amusement. It wasn’t the first time Tristan had attempted—and failed—to make him eat out of his hand, as Tristan had done with everyone else.

But sometimes he wished Tristan’s charm worked on him. Objectively, Tristan was far more handsome than Gabriel: his artfully messy brown hair complemented his vivid, unusual aquamarine eyes and warm, golden skin tone. He was pretty damn stunning. Any gay man would have a hard time keeping his eyes and hands off this young man. And Tristan clearly wasn’t as straight as his brother was.

Gabriel stepped between them and crossed his arms over his chest. “Go away and bother someone else.”

Tristan raised his eyebrows, looking faintly amused. But he did step away. “See you around, Doc!” He headed back to the pitch, swaying his hips a bit more than necessary.

“Are you ogling his ass?”

Jared looked at Gabriel. His lips were pursed, a strange expression on his face.

“It’s a nice ass,” Jared said, studying him.

Gabriel opened his mouth before scowling and averting his gaze.

Jared chuckled and said, not without fondness, “You’re the most ridiculous person in the world.”

Kicking a stone under his feet, Gabriel muttered, “Am not. I just don’t get it. You say you love me and then you ogle that dick’s ass.”

Jared couldn’t suppress his smile, a wave of affection washing over him. Christ, he had missed his Gabriel and his ridiculous way of thinking. “Do you want me to ogle yours?”

Gabriel blushed a little but lifted his chin stubbornly. Jared had never wanted to kiss him more.

“DuVal!” the coach yelled again.

Gabriel glanced back before looking intently at Jared. “Have you found a place to stay already?”

Jared shook his head. “I’ll probably stay in a hotel until I find a good place in the area.”

Gabriel licked the corner of his mouth. “Stay with me.”


“Stay at my place,” Gabriel said with more conviction.

“What about…your family?” Your son and his mother.

An unidentifiable emotion flickered across Gabriel’s eyes and was gone so quickly that Jared wasn’t sure he hadn’t imagined it to begin with.

“It’s a big house. Claire doesn’t mind. Really.”

Jared knew he should say no. It was a terrible idea. He had no desire to watch Gabriel with his partner and their child.

“Please?” Gabriel’s green eyes practically pleaded him to agree.

Against his better judgment, Jared said, “Only for a few days, until I find a place to stay.”

Gabriel beamed at him. “All right.”

“DuVal, I swear to God—”

“Coming!” Gabriel called out before turning back to Jared and touching his chest. “I have to go, but the training session will be over soon. Wait for me?” He gave Jared a small smile that made Jared’s chest warm. He nearly laughed at himself. God, he was pathetic. He was so whipped it wasn’t funny.

“I will,” Jared said.

Chapter 14: Betwixt and Between

As soon as Jared met Claire’s eyes, he knew that she knew.

Something unpleasant coiled in the pit of his stomach and it took a considerable effort to keep his smile on his face.

Claire’s answering smile was hesitant. “I’m glad you’re back,” she said and kissed him on the cheek.

“I invited Jared to stay here until he finds a new place,” Gabriel said, touching his shoulder.

“Of course,” Claire said with the same faint smile. “You’re welcome to stay, Jared. For as long as you want.”

Jared searched her face for any sign of insincerity and found none.

Claire grimaced, glancing at her milk-stained shirt. “God, I look a fright! I’ll be back after I change clothes.” With a crooked smile, she ran upstairs, an air of discomfort about her.

“Why did you tell her?” Jared said. Had he known, he wouldn’t have agreed to stay with them.

“Because I had to,” Gabriel said, stepping closer to him. “You’re not some shameful little secret for me. We’ve got nothing to hide. I’m not going to lie to anyone, much less to Claire.” He looked at Jared firmly. “Look, I know this is all strange, but I’m gonna try to make it work. And I’m not going to complicate the situation by lying. So I told Claire how important you are to me and that I want to make you happy. And I had to tell her that you’re—that you’re…”

“That I’m in love with you,” Jared said flatly.

Biting his bottom lip, Gabriel nodded. “Are you mad at me?”

“What do you think?” Jared said. “Do you have any idea how awkward it is for me? She’s your wife—”

“She isn’t!”

“Really?” Jared said harshly. “She’s the mother of your son. That’s far more important than a piece of paper. And now I’m supposed to stay under her roof, knowing that she knows and watching you two and your son—”

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