Page 8 of Four Keeps

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It’s time for me to offer a toast to the men who are staying. I was prepped on this part and given suggestions about what to say, but the words come easily. Each season, the women say essentially the same thing, and I see no reason to buck tradition on this part. “Thank you all for being here. I’m looking forward to getting to know each one of you and I hope we all have a lot of fun in the coming weeks!”

There are calls of “Hear, hear!” as the men clink their glasses to mine, some of them having to push through to reach me.

So many men.

Today went well, but there’s never been a season of For Keeps without tears, and usually plenty of them.

I add a silent toast to things going smoothly.


Dragon tattoo

After what felt like not nearly enough sleep, I’m woken up by production and told I need to prepare for a pool party, the first group date. I had assumed the dates would be spread throughout the week, but I learn that in order to allow ample time for editing, the dates will be held earlier in the week, a cocktail party will be held Wednesday night (with viewers thinking it happens shortly before the commitment ceremony) and then there will be a day off before the live ceremony on Friday. I’ll also have downtime on the weekends – unless we’re traveling, which will happen in a few weeks – and then the whole routine will repeat for the next eight weeks.

While my hair and makeup are being done, Natalie breezes in, her ever-present tablet in hand. “How are you feeling today?” she asks.


She waves a hand. “Don’t worry. Once these two work their magic, you’ll look like you had twenty-four hours of beauty sleep.”

I smile at Sylvie, the makeup artist, and look up at Justin, who’s waiting to take the rollers out of my hair when my makeup is done. “Can you use less hair spray today? I’m going to be in the pool, so …”

“Oh, you won’t be going in the pool, Olivia,” Natalie interrupts. “It’s a pool party, but you don’t have to go in the water.”

A pool party without playing in the water sounds ridiculous, but now that I think of it, I’ve never seen the women on the show get wet, outside of what look like staged glamour shots used in the intros that show them surfacing from the water, their hair neatly slicked back.

“I’d definitely like to go in the water,” I say.

Natalie frowns at me but doesn’t argue. “Okay. Justin, plan for that.” The stylist frowns too, but not in a disapproving way; he just looks like he’s rethinking his plans.

“Have you thought about who you’d like to be with on your first one-on-one date?” Natalie slides a chair close to mine and perches on the edge.

Images of Johnny and Xavier, with their black clothes and cocky confidence, come to mind first, but I internally veto my ovaries’ vote. Plenty of other guys gave me good vibes without being dark and dangerous.

“Need to see their pictures?” Natalie lifts her tablet, finger poised on the screen.

“No, I have a few in mind. Just deciding who.” Samuel is another man who comes to mind, but although he’s intriguing, I’m not sure how much we’d have in common. Maybe it’s the bowtie, but I can tell he’s really smart, and maybe we wouldn’t have enough to talk about to fill a whole date.

After considering a few other options, I decide on Marcus. We share a small town background, and that can go a long way toward making us compatible. Plus, he’s clean-cut and has a stable career, with not a bad boy vibe in sight. He has serious potential.

“Your date with Marcus will be tomorrow. Another early call, so try to go to bed early,” Natalie advises. “The pool party shouldn’t run too long.”

I wonder what her idea of “not too long” is. Filming the introductions yesterday felt like running a marathon in high heels.

All of the men on the show live in a house together. Although they’re in a huge mansion, in past seasons they always seem to get in each other’s way, leading to a lot of drama. Unfortunately – or fortunately, depending on how you look at it – I won’t get to see any of that drama because I’m staying in a separate house half a mile away.

The pool party is being held at the men’s mansion, so after all of the stylists are finished with me, I’m shuttled over for the party. My bikini is modest enough for prime time TV, but only just barely. I have a filmy wrap covering my lower half, and high wedge sandals, which are not doing my tired toes any favors.

I’m told that there will be twelve men on this date, and that Blake Barrows won’t be hosting, so after show staff lead me through the house, I’m left to make an entrance on my own. The men are already at the pool; I can hear playful yells and water splashing before I even reach the door.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic