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He started walking back to the car, but then growled, muttering something under his breath and came back to pick up the cup he’d kicked.

Clover didn’t say a word. The ten-minute drive home would be a long one.

Chapter 10 – Pyro

“How’s the meat looking?” Tank asked from his spot in the grass where he was doing push-ups without any effort at all. Pyro was strong and agile but couldn’t compare to the mountain of muscle that Tank was. But then again, maybe he could achieve the same level of fitness if he also obsessively exercised for two hours each day and ate six-egg omelettes.

Pyro pressed on the meat with a fork, smiling when it sizzled on the grill. “Gonna be ten minutes or so.”

He wondered whether Boar and Clover would arrive on time. They’d left ages ago, but knowing Boar, he wanted to treat Clover. The guy was a lovesick puppy by now, but it was hard to say if he actually had feelings for Clover, or if he was in love with the idea of keeping a horny twink around for both of them to fuck.

Picking someone to suit them both wasn’t always a walk in the park, even with Grindr, since they lived on the road. And were criminals. And even for one-night-stands, guys often got cold feet when they met, and the whole setting up of these fuck-dates could be so tedious they didn’t bother often.

Clover, on the other hand, was alluring like a white fox, pliant, and up for so much dick. Only problem was that instead of treating him like a fun exotic pet, Boar was getting into pleaser-mode, pampering the boy, making eyes at him. Hell, he’d even talked to Pyro about a vacation at the Ozarks that the three of them could go on once ‘this was all over’. Insanity.

Drake, who for once chilled out with a glass of wine, was stretched out on a blanket and reading a book. At this pace, he might even get a tan for the first time in his life. At least on the arms, because he wouldn’t take his T-shirt off. They all had scars, so what was the big deal? When the low hum of an approaching engine became obvious, Drake rolled to his back and covered his face with his comic book, as if that could somehow prevent him from having to interact with Clover.

His attitude was the polar opposite of Boar’s, as he didn’t want to have anything to do with the pretty boy and liked to pretend he wasn’t there. Though maybe that was because he didn’t like how much of a boner he had for their little pet.

Pyro waved at the approaching vehicle but turned to the grill, carefully moving the meat so it wouldn’t stick. The harsh bang of the car door made him look up just in time to see Boar storm past him and into the house.

Clover was left to unpack the shopping on his own, but he didn’t seem displeased or in a rush. His lean, elongated body never failed to give Pyro a thrill. He loved all things unique, hence his own blue hair and the serial killer tattoos, but Clover’s ‘different’ wasn’t because of something he chose. He was born special. From the white-blond hair, to the milky limbs and pink fingers, Pyro sometimes fantasized about biting into him, only to taste white chocolate with a drop of raspberry flavoring.

He’d known Clover for long enough now to understand innocence was just a disguise, not an actual aspect of Clover’s personality, but it still turned Pyro on so much to see the red flush on Clover’s face when they fucked, or the hazy eyes when Clover opened his lips in invitation for cum. Pretty, compact, and horny.

Had he been the one to bite Boar in the ass?

“Drake, man the grill, would you?”

Drake sat up, and the book slid down his chest, revealing a scornful frown. “How do I ‘man’ a grill? Have you ever seen me making anything but sandwiches?”

“Just... stand here and move the meat if you feel it’s burning.”

Drake stared at Pyro in a silent contest of wills for which Pyro had no patience. He was fine with Drake’s antisocial attitude most days, but not when quality meat was at stake.

“Do you want to eat this or not?”

Drake got up with a low sigh, but Pyro ignored his attitude and handed him the fork.

“Jamie?” Pyro called out as soon as he was inside their cabin. The lounge was empty, so he walked upstairs, calling out Boar’s name again. He wouldn’t answer. What kind of drama was this?

He entered their room without knocking, to find Boar standing in the middle. Their eyes met for a split second, and Boar instantly moved toward the ensuite. But Pyro wouldn’t let him off the hook so easily and grabbed his wrist.

Tags: K.A. Merikan Four Mercenaries Erotic