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Boar often turned him in sex so that they could look at one another, but the intensity in his green gaze intimidated Clover to the point where he wasn’t sure what to do with all the eye contact. So when he climbed back into Boar’s lap, it was with his back to the hairy chest.

Boar sat comfortably as Clover rode him, but he could never suppress his desire long enough, and mid-way, he pushed Clover forward, so that he could take charge and fuck Clover at the fast pace he loved so much.

Tank was big too, but where Tank had everything under control, Boar was more frantic with his affections, more about hugging and less aware of their surroundings. But unlike Tank, he didn’t torment Clover with orgasm denial, and eagerly offered his hand for Clover to fuck.

The scents of nature filled Clover with peace even as their bodies moved faster, harder, until Boar came inside Clover’s body, closing him in his warm embrace. His breath danced over Clover’s shoulder, but Boar wouldn’t let go even when Clover shifted to signal that maybe it was time to part. It seemed that the condom was the only reason for him to eventually pull away, but he still dragged Clover under him and initiated a kiss as soon as he disposed of the rubber.

“Where did you grow up?” Boar whispered, playing with Clover’s hair as he moved his lips along his throat, which still pulsed after Clover’s orgasm.

The question came like a hammer to the head. What the fuck was this mood spoiler? Should he lie or just tell Boar it was none of his business? He took an alternative route and continued kissing the big guy on top of him, keeping his fingers in the soft beard. Lying would have been easier if he didn’t like Boar so much, but the guy was so fucking nice to him, so cute in a burly way.

“Arizona. Doesn’t matter. We don’t need to share life stories.”

Boar blinked, his wide eyes sincere in their curiosity. Maybe he was honest. For now. “What do you mean?”

Clover offered him a fake smile and stroked Boar’s hair. “I mean there’s no need to get crazy personal. It’s just fucking.” And it wasn’t like Clover would stick around.

Boar’s gaze drifted off, and he sat back, leaving Clover bare to the cool breeze on his hot skin. “Well… I don’t know. I like you.”

What did that even mean? They hadn’t known each other that long. So maybe it had been extremely intense with living together, being at death’s door and all that, but this wasn’t love or anything.

“Yeah, but it’s temporary. Don’t get me wrong, I like you too. You’re great.” But what else was Clover supposed to say? Admit that his heart fluttered when Boar showed off his strength by picking him up, or that he felt cherished when Boar bought him shit like it was nothing? Just the other day, Boar had brought him breakfast to bed after Tank left for morning exercise. As if Clover was some prince to be pampered by his dedicated staff not the servant in the relationship.

But it was only a passing arrangement, no matter how pleasant.

Boar frowned and rolled his eyes. “Oh. I’m ‘great’. What a relief.”

Clover grabbed his pants and pulled them on, now regretting that he let his milkshake melt. “I literally just let you fuck my ass. No need to be rude.”

Boar took a deep breath and turned away, quickly pulling on his boxer shorts. “I’m rude? How about you don’t lead us on?”

Clover couldn’t dress any quicker. It was still sunny, with birds chirping and the stream nearby smelling like heaven, yet the rain in his heart was beginning to dampen his mood. “Lead you on to what? Are you proposing or something? We agreed that I’d let you all get a piece of my pie if you take me to New York. Don’t really see how I’m in the wrong here.”

Boar zipped up his pants, breathing loudly through his nose. “That’s how you see it? Just an exchange? So there’s nothing between us? Were you pretending?” he asked out of nowhere.

Clover crossed his arms, his face heating up in that annoying way that would create a blush on his pale features. “Can’t really fake an orgasm as a guy.”

“Not the sex, obviously. Everything else. You keep making eyes at me. You asked to help me out with the breakfast just earlier today. You want to be around us. Am I imagining this chemistry?” Boar asked, turning around and spreading his arms wide.

Clover backed away, unwilling to look into the needy green eyes. Of course Boar wasn’t imagining things. From the sound of it, he was much more empathetic than Clover. “You’re terribly emotional for a professional killer.”

Boar clenched his fists, and Clover gasped, for a second expecting a punch, but Boar kicked the milkshake cup instead and screamed out. “I’m so done with your bullshit! If that’s how you want it, fine! You can be a hole I fuck. Just don’t come over telling me about your favorite meals and shit.”

Tags: K.A. Merikan Four Mercenaries Erotic