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She threw her hands up in the air. “Fine, I’m out. You two can sort this out between yourselves. I’m going home.” She gave me an apologetic look before turning and stalking out of the room.

I was standing in stunned silence until Scott made his way over to us. He was pissed off; I knew his moods fairly well by now and I knew there were no crinkled eyes to be found tonight. This put me in a pissed off mood too; it was Scott’s birthday and damn it, I wanted crinkles tonight. If J and Nash kept this up, they just might have me to contend with.

“You two need to get your shit together,” Scott said in that voice of his that meant business.

Both J and Nash glared at him; it was like a stand off of bossy men, none willing to back down.

I waited to hear who would cave first but none of them did. Oh, good God, these men! I stepped forward and caught all of their attention. “J, have you any idea how much Madison missed you while you were gone? I made her coffee nearly every day and listened to her moan about you being gone. It looks to me like you’re wasting precious time here. You’ve got a woman ready and waiting to make all your dreams come true and here you are, waving your dick at Nash, who, can I just say, has no interest in Madison. I have no idea what your beef is with him but I can tell you, women get tired of men who beat their chest repeatedly, so I’d suggest you forget it and just go home and let Madison love you.” I turned my attention to Nash and shook my head at him. “Nash, for God’s sake, move on. Arguing with J is pointless. Don’t you have a chick to bang somewhere?” I finished and waited for their response. All three of them were looking at me with raised eyebrows and stunned looks on their faces.

Oops, maybe I’d overstepped. Shit, Scott would be mad at me and that was the last thing I wanted on his birthday. I held up my hands in a defensive gesture. “Okay, just ignore me. As you were,” I muttered and leant down to pick up my bag. If they were all going to be mad at me, I was leaving. I slung my bag over my should and took a step to leave.

Scott reached out and curled his arm around my waist and pulled me to him. “Where you going, babe?” he asked, his face close to mine and his eyes searching mine. Butterflies hit my stomach; Scott had a way of making me feel like the only person in the world sometimes and this was one of those times. In the midst of this argument, he’d managed to block everyone else out and give me his full attention. No other man had ever done that for me.

“I think I’ve probably said too much and involved myself in something I shouldn’t have, so it’s best if I leave you boys to it,” I admitted quietly. The feel of Scott’s arm around my waist, his warm breath on my skin, and his intense gaze were muddling my thoughts.

“Let’s get something straight here; if you’ve got something to say, you say it. You don’t hold back. Can’t say I’ll always agree with it but I always want to hear what you’re thinking. Okay?”

I nodded. “Yes,” I murmured in agreement.

He held me close for a moment longer and held my eyes before nodding once and letting me go. Then he turned to J and Nash. “I think Harlow’s pretty much covered it. I’m going home but I want you two to sort through your shit once and for all. We’ve got too much other stuff going on at the moment; we don’t need to add your grievances to it,” he muttered before grabbing my hand and leading me out of the room.


Scott unlocked his front door and stood back as he gestured for me to go inside. I smiled at him and his lips curled up in a small grin in return. Crinkles. Oh, my. I lived for those crinkles.

“What?” he asked, and I realised that I was rooted to the spot while I stared at his eyes.

I shook my head. “Nothing.” I quickly moved past him and entered his house. He followed closely behind and the anticipation of what he had planned for tonight set my nerves alight with excitement. After Bullet had almost raped me, we’d stopped having sex for a little while but finally we were back where we’d left off. Sex with Scott was the best I’d ever had and I refused to let Bullet come between us.

At the end of the hall, I turned and headed towards his bedroom. I kicked my shoes off as I went and then lifted my dress over my head and left it on the floor as I continued to walk. Scott sucked in a breath and the sound was music to my ears. I reached behind me and undid my bra, letting it fall to the ground too. As I hooked my fingers into the top of my panties and began to lower them, his hands landed on mine and stopped me. I felt him as he moved closer behind me.

“Babe, you’ve gotta leave something for me to take off,” he said gruffly.

I smiled at the desire that was clear in his voice. Scott’s need for me wasn’t something he hid and I loved this; it turned me on even more.

Impulsively, I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands slid around my ass and he lifted me up so that my legs wrapped around him. Scott was strong and he easily continued our journey to his bedroom as he carried me.

“Is this my birthday present?” he asked with a teasing glint in his eyes.

“What, the cake wasn’t enough?” I teased back.

“No, babe, I want more. I’ll ne

ver have enough when it comes to you.”

My mouth came down onto his in a demanding kiss. I’d never have enough of him either. He kissed me back, sending me wild. Sweet Jesus, this man was good with his tongue. Eventually he pulled away and let me down because we’d found our way to his bedroom. I stood in front of him in silence as he swept his gaze over my body. My nipples hardened and my panties almost melted off from the heat he was sending my way.

I dropped my eyes down to his jeans and took in his hard cock. He followed my eyes. “See what you do to me, baby?” he said, sex dripping from his words.

I nodded and reached out to undo his jeans but he flicked his hand out and stopped me. “Turn around,” he growled.

Smiling to myself, I did what he said. He stepped right behind me, his erection pressing into me, and his breath warm on my neck. His hand snaked around my waist and his hand dipped down until he reached into my panties and stroked my clit with his thumb. I was so wet for him and he grunted in appreciation. His other hand wrapped around me and reached up to massage my breast.

“Baby, you make a man very happy. You’re my birthday present,” he murmured in his growly voice that never failed to hit my sweet spot.

The butterflies whooshed through me at his words. I leant my head back on his shoulder and sucked in a breath when he licked and sucked along my jaw. His thumb was working its magic on my clit and when he pushed two fingers inside, I shuddered in pleasure.

“Feels good, yeah?” he asked softly in between the kisses he was trailing along my neck.

Tags: Nina Levine Storm MC Romance