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I frowned. “I don’t want to pry, mainly because we’re still getting to know each other, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here.”

She reached for my hand and squeezed it. “Thanks, honey. I really appreciate that.”

“It’s what friends are for,” I said, giving her hand a squeeze back.

“Absolutely,” she said, and gave me a huge smile. “I’m so glad that Scott found you. I never in a million years would have pictured him with a woman like you but I’m over the moon that he has you in his life. And not just for his sake; I’m glad because it means I’ve got you in my life too.”

Her words sent warmth through me; I loved that she felt the same way about me that I felt about her. After my best friend had cheated on me with my boyfriend, I’d lost faith in friendships a little. Once trust has been broken in your life, you tend to find it hard to give it to others. Cassie was the first person I’d opened myself up to after it all happened. She’d taught me to trust again and Scott was also teaching me this. I had a feeling that Madison would be another new friend worthy of my faith in her.

We were interrupted by a sexy drawl we both knew well. “My two favourite ladies. Why are you sitting in the corner away from the party?”

I looked up to find Nash grinning at us. “We’re just having some girly time while Scott and J are busy,” I answered him as I flicked my eyes to where Scott was. Jealousy shot through me at the sight of a club whore throwing herself at him. I’d seen her around the clubhouse a lot lately; she appeared to have a strong interest in Scott. He was scowling at her and I could just imagine the nasty words he was saying to her. I had nothing to worry about; my man was clear that his only interest was in me. It didn’t stop me being jealous though whenever a woman approached him.

Nash followed my gaze. “That bitch has no shot, Harlow.?


He swung his face back to look at me and I was touched by what I saw there. For all his crudeness and sexy banter, Nash genuinely cared about mine and Scott’s relationship. The look on his face currently told me that he wanted me to know that Scott was all mine.

I smiled at him. “I know,” I murmured.

“Good,” he said, “I’d hate a slut like her to come between you two.”

“Shit,” Madison muttered, and I turned to look at her.

“What?” I asked.

She didn’t answer me straight away but rather stood up, a determined look on her face. I stood too and gave her a questioning look.

“J,” was all she said as she jerked her head in the direction of Scott and J.

I directed my attention to them and sucked in a breath when I saw J stalking towards us. Shit, he didn’t look happy.

“Nash you need to leave,” Madison suggested quite forcefully.

Nash scowled. “If he’s got a problem, sweet thing, he can -"

Madison cut him off. “Nash, why do you have to push it? Just leave, okay?”

I had no clue what was going on here but by the looks on their faces, something heavy was going down. Madison was throwing him a look that screamed ‘get out of here now’, while Nash was standing his ground and had firmly planted himself in the line of J’s fire.

I jumped at J’s voice when he finally reached us. “What the fuck, Nash?” he boomed.

Madison got in between them, trying to diffuse the situation. “J, just leave it, okay?”

Nash's face was a mask of anger and he cut in before J could reply, “No, fuck it, Madison. If he’s got a problem, we can settle this once and for all now.” I’d figured out over the past few weeks that J and Nash pushed each other’s buttons. Nash looked ready to take J on.

“I do have a fucking problem, motherfucker. I go away for a couple of months and I get back to find that you’ve been trying to talk your way into my woman’s pants.” J thundered.

Nash snarled and stepped forward to get in J’s face. “You don’t know me very well, J, if you think I’d fuck another man’s woman. I wasn’t trying to get in her pants but I was trying to make sure she knew what she was doing by letting you into them, asshole.”

“I think I know you very fucking well, Nash. You’d fuck anything, and I’m betting that would include another man’s woman. You need to back the fuck off Madison because she’s mine, and I don’t take too fucking kindly to other men stepping in.”

Shit, J was one territorial male. I’d not seen him in action before; he didn’t muck around.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, J. I’ve told you, Nash wasn’t trying to get in my pants,” Madison stepped into the argument. She had a wild look about her and J scowled at her.

“Stay out of it, Madison. This is between me and Nash,” he fumed, dismissing her with an angry glare.

Tags: Nina Levine Storm MC Romance