Page 40 of Raze (Riven 3)

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Dane groaned and kissed me hard, sliding between my legs, forcing my knees open. I felt so small and vulnerable, splayed out before him like that. His big hand cupping my whole package made me feel totally at his mercy and I thrust against his palm, shivering when he held me still.

“Please,” I said again, this time with genuine desperation. Every inch of my skin was hypersensitive. “I want you. I need you inside me!”

“Fuck,” Dane said suddenly. “I don’t have any condoms.”

“It’s okay,” I said fervently. “You haven’t been with anyone in a long time, right? And I’ve always used condoms. Plus, it’s been a long time for me too. I don’t…I want it.”

Dane shuddered and buried his face in my neck, groaning. I could feel his erection swell against my thigh, hot and heavy.

“I get tested when I take my sponsees,” he said. “For moral support. I would never risk you.”

“Okay, okay, please!” I begged.

“Fuck, sweetheart,” he groaned.

I was wild, desperate in my pure fucking need for him.

“Dane, please!”

“Okay,” he said, “okay.”

Relief flooded through me as he fumbled in the bedside table drawer and slicked his fingers. Dane slid close to me and spread my legs wider. I pulled my knees up and shuddered at the first touch of his slick fingers against my hole. He was so gentle, and every touch flooded me with want. When he finally slid a finger inside me, I gasped. It felt so fucking good to have a part of him inside me.

He pressed a kiss to the inside of my thigh and I could feel him trembling. I stretched my arms over my head, opening my whole body to him. Another finger joined the first and heat bloomed inside me. Another kiss to the inside of my thigh, then one to my belly.

“Dane,” I breathed.

“You look so beautiful like this,” he said. “Feel so fucking good inside.”

He was looking at me like I was everything, and I hadn’t thought it was possible to get harder, but my cock pulsed, leaking onto my belly, and I groaned. Dane began to stroke inside me, slowly at first, then deeper, harder, finding my prostate with rough fingertips and driving me higher and higher.

I caught his wrist with my hand. I’d meant to stop him so he’d fuck me, but he just looked at me with lust-filled eyes and slid in another finger, fucking me with his hand while I guided his wrist.

“Oh God, fuck,” I groaned. It was the most erotic thing I’d ever experienced, like I was fucking myself with his hand as he looked at me with lust in his eyes.

He slid his fingers deep inside and paused, letting me feel the fullness. We breathed together as I shook around him, and he leaned in to kiss me so slowly it seemed like he might never get there. Against my lips, he murmured, “I can feel your heartbeat from inside you.”

I shuddered and cried out, clenching down on him.

“Please, now you,” I begged, desperate to be connected with him, to feel him driven as out of control as I was, desperate to hold him inside me.

When he lingered, kissing my neck softly, I grabbed at his back in desperation. I heard my frustrated sob and I writhed beneath him.

“Okay, sweetheart, okay, I got you,” he said then, low and strained.

Through the fog of arousal I vaguely registered him sliding his fingers out of me and slicking himself up, then I felt him at my entrance, his arms locked on either side of my shoulders.

“You tell me if you want me to stop, okay?” he said firmly. “If you—”

“Shut up and fuck me,” I demanded, and Dane gave me the ghost of a smile.

“Okay,” he breathed.

He began to press inside me and I forced myself to relax. Fuck, he was big. I clutched the sheets and tried to breathe through the initial burn.

“Should I stop?” he asked softly, hand light on my hip.

I shook my head immediately and looked up at him. He pulled out a little bit and slid back inside, deeper this time. I was dizzy with lust and the heart-pounding feeling of being opened up by another’s body. He did it again, sliding a little deeper, and I canted my hips to change the angle. This time, he slid against my prostate and pleasure radiated through me, soothing the sting.

Dane had his eyes squeezed shut, and I could feel how much control it was taking for him to go slow. As pleasure relaxed my muscles, my breath caught at the feeling of hot fullness.

“Okay,” I said, running a hand up his arm. He opened his eyes and looked down at me like he was watching something miraculous. I gave him what I hoped was a reassuring smile and clenched my ass around him a little in encouragement.

Tags: Roan Parrish Riven M-M Romance