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Thad glances around, checking our tails to make sure no one is following us. I'm sure he'll be paranoid for a while.

"It's a long story I've only barely been briefed on, but as far as your father goes, you're only alive because he cares. You need to stop viewing him the way the rest of your kind does. Drackus only stays in that hole because of you, and you know it. If he didn't care about you, why would he stay there?"

True, but then again, Drackus is as unpredictable and confusing as any male. He could have ulterior motives I don't know about.

We continue in silence as Thad tenses beside me. I've seen him shred a night stalker under the full moon, but he knows Kane is stronger, and he hates it.

I ring the doorbell, considering knocking would be pointless. The surprise on Kane's face says it all as he comes to open the door for me.

"Why are you here?" he almost snarls, shattering the small illusion I had.

He seemed so caring, so concerned in that dungeon, but now he's back to callous and cold, disgusted with the sight of me.

"I need to ask you about-"

I halt my words as the dark hair and tame eyes fall into view. It's Dray. He's here.

He plays coy as he walks toward me; his beautiful face disarming and misleading... just like all the dark wielders. His black, leather jacket resembles the long duster my father wore during the battle with Castine, a signature look for the oldest of fey creatures.

His dark denim jeans and black button-up shirt complement the darkness lurking within, thoug

h I can't pinpoint what he is. His eyes refuse to give me any inkling.

"Dray," I murmur softly, and Thad squirms a little more, feeling the dark aura exuding from the mysterious creature in front of us.

"Alyssa, right? How lovely to see you again. Can I ask why it is you're here?"

He's acting as though this is his house, and he's even going so far as to pretend not to know me at all, when he clearly knows exactly who I am.

"I came to speak to Kane."

"There's nothing to speak about, Alyssa," Kane murmurs very coolly. "What happened in that dungeon was out of desperation. I was starved, you were hurting. We both needed something from the other. That's all it was. You need to do what you have to and sever this bond."

I wince at how icy he is so shortly after I believed him to actually care about me. I knew better then, and now he's proving me a fool for wishful thinking.

I aim for pragmatic, though it comes off as more offended, when I say, "I get it. You're disgusted by the very sight of a witch now that you've had your fill. I'm nothing but prey, and you're just a heartless night stalker with a convenient conscience. This has absolutely nothing to do with us. This is about Castine and when she's coming back for me. I've still got her mark."

Dray covers his amused smile while walking away. I'm not here for that, Thad is. I want to know why Dray is friends with my father but pretending not to know who I am around Kane. I can't ask that here and now though. I also can't prod for information from Kane as I originally planned.

Kane settles back on his heels, seeming to shrink slightly. I summon up the courage to fight the intoxicating pull of his unintentional seduction.

"I don't know. Castine changes with every passing year, growing stronger. I guess it depends on how much Drackus will do to keep you safe. She's scared of him, always has been. Until now, I've never understood why she feared him as much as she does."

Dray's brow cocks up, curiosity seeming to form.

"Drackus was keeping her safe?" he asks, feigning shock.

How can he keep up such a convincing charade?

Deke shifts in the corner, making his presence known, as he sips on a dark ale. He stays silent, but his eyes study Thad, making sure my changer bodyguard doesn't feel the itch for a fight.

"Yeah. He had a thing for my mom once upon a time. Perhaps you've heard of her? Calypso Dubai."

With that release, Deke spews his drink all over the floor in front of him before coughing up the liquid lodged in his throat.

Kane pales, seeming a little less intimidating now.

"I thought you said your mother's name was Callie Coldwell."

Tags: C.M. Owens Deadly Beauties Vampires