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Just as he's about to finish her off, a dark shadow appears. A dark-haired man materializes beside Castine, and then they begin to vaporize. Drackus growls as he lunges at the shadow, but they're gone before he reaches it.

"Damn it!" he snaps, staring at the air devoid of any presence.

"She has dark users on her payroll? Why the hell didn't I know this?" he barks to someone I can't see.

"I didn't know she had dark users," a familiar voice says as he goes to join him.

I gasp when I realize it's Dray, Kane's friend. He's working with my father?

"If that bitch comes within a hundred miles of my daughter again, I'll rip his throat out for ever bringing his fight to her. Do you understand that?"

Dray nods, not seeming the least bit rattled by my father's presence. He apparently knows him, but if he knows him, then why doesn't Kane know who Drackus is to me?

"We need to go. Your dad seems to be unaffected by the toxins this time," Gage whispers against my ear.

"I want to talk to him. That guy knows Kane."

"Not now, Alyssa. Thad was supposed to get you out of here. If Drackus finds out he failed, he'll be punished. I was fine with you coming when I thought you might be the only one to bring him down, but he doesn't need to be brought down. Let's go."


Thad better be glad my concern for him outweighs my need for answers.

Gage pulls me to him, and then we vaporize into the air, leaving behind the conversation I desperately want to stay and overhear.

"By the way, I know what this mark is now," I murmur as we materialize outside, next to his car.

He steadies me as the dizziness sweeps in without mercy.

"What is it?"

"Something you're really not going to like."

Chapter 9

A Shade of Crazy

"You knocked me out?" Thad gripes when we walk into the Edgebrook hotel room where he's already waiting, obviously seething. "Are you trying to make your dad come after me?"

"Relax. Drackus maintained control and never knew we were back in there. You're safe," Gage says dismissively.

Thad visibly relaxes, his disheveled blond hair settling back into place after he runs his hand through it.

"Thank fuck."

I can't help but giggle at the distraught changer, and I go to sit beside him on the bed.

"What's wrong? You act as though Drackus scares you."

He rolls his eyes before narrowing them at me, and then he mumbles, "Funny. Real fucking funny."

I laugh harder as Gage starts flipping through his phone.

"Shit. I have to go."

"What? Why?" I ask a little pitifully.

"Because the Somage has been called in. Apparently there was a messy murder back close to my place in Pine Shore. It looks like a night stalker skimped out on discretion. I'll be back in a day or two. We'll have to decide if they deserve death or punishment."

Tags: C.M. Owens Deadly Beauties Vampires