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She motions to a darkly tinted vehicle just next to us, and I tremble as I put my hand on the door handle.

"One word, one scream, and I'll tear his throat out in front of you," she growls, her eyes once again pointing to the clueless dark user heading to the counter.

If this was any other night stalker, I'd definitely scream for my dark user ally, but this is Castine, and she's immune to my powers just as she's immune to Gage's. I've seen how ineffective Gage was against Kane, and I've seen my killer ex wield power he shouldn't have. Castine is even stronger. I don't stand a chance.

I slowly walk over to the sedan, and she follows me into the car that is driven by a glowing blue-eyed ally of hers.

"Drive, Jess. We've got what we came for," she says once we're tucked inside.

I stare out the window after hearing her command, and my eyes fall to Gage as he walks out with a smile, assuming I'm still waiting for him. I see the horror in his face when he notices I'm gone, but before I can witness his meltdown, we're turning.

"Why do you want me?" I squeak out, my nerves selling me out and stripping away my falsified persona of composure. "What are you going to do to me?"

She giggles in delight about something, and then she brushes her dress as if she's trying to remove a piece of lint.

"Sweetie, I'm not going to do anything to you. I'm going to leave that to Kane."

She managed to make me cringe twice with nearly the same breath. I hate being called sweetie. I wish I could tell her Kane will never hurt me, but I know better. I've heard his threats without her influence.

I scratch at the mark on my wrist that seems to be burning while I'm so close to her. It's red instead of black as it has been. I gasp as I stare at it.

"You shouldn't have bound yourself to him. It made it almost too easy to find you once you felt betrayed. Betrayal is what activates it. Little by little, it grows stronger, finally becoming visible, and then it leads me to its host."

She seems so smug, so proud of herself. I want to rip her sadistic head from her shoulders.

"What's Kane going to do to me?" I ask while swallowing hard.

She smiles, her eyes turning black, something I've never before seen on a night stalker. It's enough to send the terrified prickling sensation from my head to my toes.

"With your death by his hands, the bond he broke between us will be restored. If I kill you, I still lose him. If he kills you, he's still tethered to me enough to keep him from doing something foolish once again. I don't want him dead. But you... Your death is something I look forward to."

Chapter 7

Delicious Poison

Two of Castine's henchmen walk on either side of me as they lead me down a long corridor. She keeps her distance, her eyes on my back. I dare not turn around. If I do, she might see my crazy-shaded eyes going through a whirlwind of emotions right now.

Stone walls with aged surfaces flank me on either side. They're a mixture of gray and black from the centuries they've stood. I can tell we're underground, but I don't know how deep. She gave me a scent masker on the way, so there's no chance of Gage finding me right now.

The end of the corridor comes into view, along with the heavy metal door that is sealing a dark room. The symbols etched into the door are to hold a night stalker. I've seen them before.


The door swings open, and a dark figure lunges forward from the shadows only to be whirled backwards with a mere flick of Castine's wrist. How the hell did she just do that?

The amulet on her neck glows red. It's held in place by a gold chain, and the teardrop shaped jewel carries a secret... the secret of her power.

The glowing blue eyes of the night stalker forced against the wall draws my attention. It's definitely Kane. His limbs are splayed against the stones as he struggles against her invisible hold.

Castine simply laughs as one of the men shoves me inside, knocking me to my knees. Gage's jacket is the only thing warming me right now. I'm thankful for it since this dungeon prison is even colder than the outside.

Seeing Kane's eyes grow wide in shock doesn't scare me, but when his eyes grow bluer, darker, I begin shaking. It's still so unnatural to see the monster he really is.

"What the fuck?" he growls, his eyes turning back to Castine.

"You knew this was coming, lover," she says with an eerie grin. "I know you're hungry. You're probably starving, in fact. So I brought you a succulent little gift. It's your c

hoice what you want to do with her.

Tags: C.M. Owens Deadly Beauties Vampires