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I smile at his enthusiasm, and then I pull out the second book.

"She also gave me this. She told me I needed to be studying, but I think you might enjoy it more than I will."

His eyes widen as he stares at the book that seems more like a relic in its tragic state. His mouth falls open as he places one book down to pick up the other.

"This is so incredible. I've always wanted to read this."

He touches the pages of the old dusty book with the same caution someone shows a priceless gem. I watch with a smile on my face.

"Well, enjoy. The one on Castine is going next door."

I stand up to leave, but he grabs my arm.

"You can't go over there. Especially not alone."

"I have to. Zee's expecting me. If we both go over there, he might not trust me anymore."

"And you trust him?" he squeaks out in disbelief.

"Absolutely not, but I've got your phone number, and I'm not afraid to use it. I'll be fine. They could have killed me already if they had wanted me dead. They won't turn down information on Castine."

He sighs out, staring at me and knowing he can't stop me no matter how well thought out his arguments are.

"Be careful. Your aura is only getting more buzzed by the second. You might provoke the coven into attacking if you try to rush Kane. I doubt they'll realize what's going on. You have to either get it under control, or you've got to... well, give me permission to go ahead and bump up the schedule."

I swallow hard, but I shake my head. He's killing the seduction with his clinical attitude toward it. I'm starting to regret asking him to handle it at all.

"Kane won't be there. I'll be back," I mutter while walking out with the old book.

The door shuts behind me before he has time to object again, and I cross the short walk with my brisk strides. Zee is waiting as soon as I reach the steps of the deck.

"Are you sure you want to turn over a book like this to us? There could be consequences. Your kind doesn't take lightly to our kind having such things in our possession. If they find out you willingly brought this, they could do a lot of rather nasty things to you."

I stare at the leather in my hand, knowing Kane will most likely use it against me later on. I don't care. Though he's a monster and an asshole, I want him to have all he needs to know before running headlong into a fight.

"I'm sure. It might help. I haven't read all the way through it, so it may just be a waste of time. Regardless, the more one knows, the better. I need to get going before-"

"What's going on here?" Kane asks from behind as he joins us on the deck, his eyes narrowing at Zee.

Shit. He was supposed to be gone until nightfall. Damn it!

"Alyssa brought by a book that has quite a bit of information on Castine. She thought we might need it if or when we go after her."

Kane's jaw tenses, and my whole body goes almost numb.

"These conversations shouldn't be held outside. We need to exercise more caution than ever before."

Zee squirms after hearing Kane's scolding, and I explain for him.

"Zee couldn't leave because Amy's chained up and no one else is home to watch her. I came over to give him the book, since he's the only one who can apparently tolerate me anymore. He didn't want to let me in because we both knew it would upset you. Sorry. I'll be on my way now."

I step wide, making sure to stay away from him as I try to leave, but he steps in my path, blocking my escape. I look up, my mouth drying as I see the night stalker blue in his eyes.

"Don't leave until you've shown me how to open this book without it turning to dust. Yes, I know your witchy tricks. Thought you could fuck with me some more?" he taunts.

He doesn't seem anything like the man I thought I loved... the asshole I still do love.

"Actually, no. I lifted the spells permanently."

Tags: C.M. Owens Deadly Beauties Vampires