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"I really don't want to talk about it. I've been grilled by the council for weeks. I've recounted every detail I can, but I have no idea who they were, what they were, or even what they needed me for."

My lips tighten as I stare at the woman I thought to be unbreakable. Throughout her many centuries, she's dealt with more than any other being I know. She's had her share of heartache, pain, and unspeakable torture, but I've never seen her fragile... until now. Ordinarily, she'd be ready to go after these sons of bitches.

"Let's talk about you instead. Frankie told me you had a boyfriend who turned out to be an immortal playing a trick on you."

She says it so coldly, nothing like the ginger steps she would normally take around such a sore subject. I suppose it's selfish of me to even expect her to make room for my petty problems, given the magnitude of what she's just endured.

I'm glad Frankie apparently omitted the part about Kane being a night stalker. Mom has enough on her.

"Yeah. I felt like an idiot, but I'm okay," I lie, making light of the heavy situation.

She smiles, though it's not the warm, make-me-feel-all-better smile she usually bears.

"Sweetie, you will get over him. I swear."

Sweetie? She knows I hate that term of endearment. It's what the night stalker called me before sinking his teeth into my flesh when I was seventeen.

Once again, I'm expecting her to focus solely on me, and that's too selfish. With all she's had going on, it's fine if she slips up and calls me the wrong name.

"I know I will. It's just, now I'm bonded to him apparently, since he was my first."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot about that."

I guess Frankie already told her. Great. She had better not mention socks.

"Next time I'll be a little more careful and definitely more suspicious," I add, still not showing her the pain I'm in.

I literally found a room full of immortally crafted toys - a dark dungeon full of tainted proof - and I overlooked it. How stupid am I?

"Next time just use your mark, dear. That's what it's for."

I stop speaking at that moment. She knows I can't do that.

Before I can pipe up, a woman cloaked in white walks in and tugs at her blond strands of hair as she crosses through the path of roses.

"Calypso, you're needed in the chambers now. Sorry to interrupt."

Mom smiles at her, a gracious, completely fake smile I've never seen her use before. Then she turns to me with that same phony smile.

"I love you, sweetie. I'll talk to you later."

With that, she's gone, vaporized into thin air.

Frankie is nowhere to be seen, but he wouldn't believe me if I told him. Instead of searching for him, I run full speed out of the council headquarters. I never slow down as I head to Gage’s car.

I pound on the hotel room, and Gage swings the door open, catching me as I almost collapse.

"What the hell, Alyssa?"

"It's not her, Gage. It's not my mom."

"What?" His confusion is genuine as he helps me into the room. He wraps me up in his arms as he pulls me into his lap, and we both fall to the sofa. "Why are you saying she's not your mom?"

"She called me sweetie. Twice. I've told you before why I'd break your face if you ever called me that."

He seems confused by this. Apparently, that's not enough proof. "O...kay. Alyssa, your mom just went through

a traumatic ordeal. It's going to take a while-"

Tags: C.M. Owens Deadly Beauties Vampires