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He turns back to me, but I feel like a lioness in attack mode as I pounce, throwing myself into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist before my lips cover his.

He groans as he starts carrying me out, and Thad snickers from behind us as Gage leads the way.

"I should have swapped places with you, it seems. I didn't get shit out of that meeting, but here you are all tangled up with the girl I've been baiting for months."

Gage slips his lips free from mine, and my lips and tongue start trailing up and down his neck as he continues carrying me out.

"You got nothing? No information?" he asks, though I can tell he's forcing himself to care.

"Oh, I got info. I just didn't get what you're getting. Damn it. Next time you do the talking and I'll keep Alyssa company."

"Drive my car. I can't do this anymore," Gage growls while walking into another room.

Excitement fills me when I think he's about to end my torture, but then I feel the dizzying proof we're vaporizing. The head rush comes, but I ignore it as my lips find his.

He doesn't deny me th

at. His lips attack with the same vigor, and then we're suddenly in his room, on his bed, and we're a tangled mess of limbs and passion as his weight pushes against me.

He rips my dress up, as his heavenly lips fall down the curve of my neck. I can feel him ready to explode against me, but I taste his hesitance to fully go through with it.

Flipping him to his back, I hop on top, taking his erection between my legs and grinding against it through the fabric of his pants. My hair falls over us like a veil as I lean down to kiss his groaning mouth. Using my magic, I strip his pants down low enough to free the divinity within.

I start to slide down on it, feeling his tip at my entrance, but he jerks me up and pins me to the bed.

"Not like this. I can't let you do this right now. Your head's not in the right place. Sleep," he says before kissing my lips, and with that spoken, one-word spell, my eyes seal shut and my dreams take the place of my fucked up reality.

Chapter 3

Awkward doesn't begin to describe it

My head is pounding as though I've drunk an entire bottle of tequila and washed it down with whiskey. I'm not sure what's worse, the headache or the memories.

I groan as I think back to my unexpected dance with Kane and the dirty minx I was on the dance floor. I would have fucked him despite all the people surrounding us. I'm almost thankful he hates me right now. I wish I could hate the damn liar who tricked me into falling in love for his own twisted purpose.

Then I think of Gage, and I get a little sick. Not only was I some wretched fool throwing myself at my killer ex, I'm also the slut who touched two men in one night. Oh damn. Gage... his tongue... my body... oh no.

If he hadn't stopped me, I would have fucked him without hesitation. Stupid Fey bullshit. I hate our world right now. From this moment on, I'll do my best to stay away from a succubus and an incubus, especially when they're together.

With heavy reluctance, I open my eyes to feel Gage's bed beneath me, my dress still on, and my panties still absent. What a night.

I glance out the window to see straight through Kane's bedroom. I get sick when I see him standing shirtless in his room, talking on his phone, completely unaware the girl he hates is living just next door.

He's laughing, acting as though he's completely past us. I suppose that's easy to do when he just fell in love with me enough to break a damn bond.

I slip off of Gage's bed, all the more thankful this isn't my room. With light steps, I make my way out, but a shrill pitch escapes my lips when I see Thad sitting at the bar in the kitchen.

He's smiling as he shovels another bite of cereal in his mouth.

"Good morning. How's the walk of shame feel?" he teases.

My face floods red, and I frown as I think of how incredibly misleading this must look. Though we did do... a little bit of stuff, we never actually went all the way. Damn, that sounds so ridiculous. This is still a walk of shame because I'm a slut.

"Why does it feel like I've got the hangover from hell when I only had one drink?" I ask to shift the conversation.

He smiles bigger as he takes another bite. His devious grin isn't lost on me. I can tell he's savoring every second of my discomfort.

"Because it is the hangover from hell. As a mortal, if you're subjected to the seductive release by the two lovely creatures who owned that home, you will wake up with one hellacious headache. That is, if you don't get sated. Obviously, the little dark bugger didn't come through last night."

Tags: C.M. Owens Deadly Beauties Vampires