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Why the hell is Kode here?

When I look over, Wren seems just as surprised as me to see Kode barreling through my house like it’s completely normal to just walk the hell in.

“Sorry, saw your car here, and I need your help.”

Wren crosses his arms over his chest, completely caught off guard and confused.

“Okay. Yeah. What?”

“Get your cousin to decide she wants to get married. You’re good at all that kind of shit.”

This is not going on in my house. Why are they discussing chicks right now? Marriage? Seriously? Kode and Tria hated each other not too long ago, and now he’s here for a heart-to-heart with Wren about marriage.

“All that shit?” Wren drawls. “You might want to refer to it as something else, and maybe then she’ll marry you.”

“I’m not proposing until she stops saying she doesn’t believe in marriage. I do have some pride.”

“Some,” I echo, then pinch my fingers together to represent the tiny amount he has.

Kode glares over me like I have no right to be eavesdropping—in my own fucking house.

“If you two bromancers want to plan weddings and whatever, do it at Dane’s. He’d appreciate it. Me? I just want to fucking sleep.”

Wren stifles a laugh, and Kode narrows his eyes at me.

“You lost your edge,” I say on a long, disappointed breath, turning over.

“Give him time,” I hear Wren saying as they walk out together to find a new China pattern for their upcoming weddings or whatever.

My phone buzzes on the table, and I glance over to see it’s Bella. It takes a lot of effort, but I snatch it and read the text.

BELLA: Daniel’s surgery went perfectly, even though it got set back to last night. His foot jerked! They just did a reflex test on the bottom of his feet, and the right one jerked! The left one responded as well, but I wanted you to know. xoxoxox

A sense of relief fills me that I wasn’t expecting. I didn’t even realize how much I wanted to hear that good news until this moment. I also have no clue what the hell to say.

ME: Good. I’d say send me a picture, but considering the last time I was in the hospital I was getting attacked for picking a kid up, I don’t think that’s appropriate.

BELLA: You could come and sex for yourself.

The hell?

BELLA: SEE for yourself. Not sex. I’ll do that for you when I get off.

BELLA: Get off from work, that is. You’ll have to be the one getting me off.

I’d laugh, but it hurts too much.

ME: I can’t come see.

BELLA: Yes, you can. There’s no reason they shouldn’t know. You were only keeping it a secret because of me. Come see what your fat wallet has done for a kid who didn’t have any hope until you.

If I felt worth a damn, that would have me caving. I’m almost positive it’s not smart to have some stupid virus and show up in a hospital full of kids who are sick and have weakened immune systems.

ME: Not today.

BELLA: Yes, today. It would be a good morale boost to see his hero.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance