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“Banana girl? You can’t learn those skills until we quit skipping foreplay,” I point out, feeling his grip tighten on my hips.

I don’t give him time to respond, because I’m too busy trying to blow his mind. And judging by the look on his face and the fierce grip he has on me, I’m succeeding.

Chapter 24


“I need you to cover the rest of Jaden’s shift,” Berta tells me on her way by.

“But that’s another four hours,” I groan.

“I know. I’ve been here for sixteen hours already, and Jaden just went home with that virus that’s going around.”

Damn it.

“Fine. I’ll stay, but I’m not happy about it.”

She grins, and I flip her off. “Tell me one person who is happy right now,” she chuckles before leaving.

Pulling out my phone, I decide to text Ethan, considering he was supposed to pick me up after work. I paid for breakfast this morning, but then found a random twenty in my purse, which lets me know he only let me think I paid until I got here. He’s trying to burn my rules to the ground.

I text him, letting him know tonight won’t work, and he fires a text back immediately.

ETHAN: That makes no sense. Read your message.

I groan while scanning for my text, then curse when I read it.

ME: Tonight wanton twerk because I twerking late.

I resend the correct message.

ME: Tonight won’t work because I have to work late.

It takes a few seconds before he messages back.

ETHAN: I take it back. I prefer the original message full of gibberish, because this one sucks.

I smile like an idiot for no apparent reason, and send him back a kissing emoji before putting my phone back in my locker.

By the time my additional four hours are over, I almost want to cry for joy. My feet are killing me, and so is my head. Overworked is not a good way to feel. I’m fairly positive there is gum in my hair, and I don’t even want to try and figure out what the brown stuff on my shoes is.

I text Ethan, letting him know I’m off, but he doesn’t respond.

Frowning, I head toward my car, checking my phone again and again like an idiot.

It’s possible he’s already asleep. But it’s only eight at night, so that’s doubtful. Deciding not to swing by his house, I drive toward my home. Until I get a text.

ALLIE: Everyone is at Maverick’s house. Can you come hang?

Excitement and nervousness collide. I’m about to have to see Ethan in person around all of our friends, and we have to play it cool.

I rush home, shower, and battle with the gum in my hair, making myself presentable. It’s after nine when I finally get to Maverick’s, and my stomach flips when I see Ethan’s car parked beside Wren’s.

I’m curious why he never sent a text back. What if he doesn’t want me here?

No, fuck that. Who cares if he wants me here? I’m here to see my friends. I’m not here for him.

Shrugging off my nerves, I walk inside, and find myself stumbling to a halt when I see a lot of really gorgeous women whose names I don’t know. Dale is lost in conversation with one of them. So is Maverick.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance