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Until then, it’s time to lie low.

Chapter 18


Killing my bike just outside my house, I pull my phone out and see Bella has sent a text. I start to not read it, but I can’t help myself.

BELLA: You can come to the hospital. I’m heading home. You shouldn’t miss Tag’s baby being born. And honestly I shouldn’t be here for it, considering Ash and I aren’t that close yet.

The fuck?

I quickly go through my phone, because Bella’s message was thirty minutes ago. No one else has called or sent a damn text. Is she fucking with me?

No, Bella wouldn’t do something that messed up.

Quickly, I dial Tag as I head inside to grab the keys to my car, but it only goes to voicemail. Instead, I call Rye, but his phone goes to voicemail immediately like it’s turned off.

Finally, I call Wren, and he answers.

“Hey, can’t talk right now. Ash is in the delivery room.”

“And you didn’t think to call me?” It comes off a little bitterer than I intend, but hell, it pisses me off that none of my friends bothered to call me and let me know.

“Oh shit, man. I’m sorry. I guess I forgot you’re actually here now, and I didn’t really think about you wanting to be here for the baby either.”

And that pisses me off more.

“Fuck you, Wren. Just because I don’t want a kid of my own doesn’t mean I don’t want to be there when my friend’s is born.”

Putting my phone on speaker, I back out in my Shelby, and I squeal tires toward the hospital.

“Fuck, sorry,” he says, as I hit third gear.

I just hang up and try not to let it get to me the way it is. Out of everyone, the only one who bothered to think of me was the girl I told to fuck off last week. As soon as my tires skid to a halt in a parking place, I shoot Bella a message back.

ME: Thanks for telling me. Apparently no one else thought it would be important to me. You’re welcome to be here, Bella. It won’t bother me at all.

I put my phone in my pocket, and ride the elevator up to the maternity ward. As soon as I step off, Wren is there with Rye, and they both look like someone has slapped them.

“Really fucking sorry, man,” Rye says, grimacing.

“Me too,” Wren grumbles. “I feel like an ass.”

I shrug like it’s no big deal, even if it is. “Yeah, so when’s this baby coming?”

“Right now,” Tag says, beaming at us with tears in his eyes as he walks out and wipes at his face. “My daughter is here. She’

s healthy, beautiful, and has a set of lungs on her that will scare the shit out of anything within a mile of our house. She’s fucking perfect,” he adds, choking up as he wipes his eyes again. “They’re just cleaning her up right now.”

Cheers erupt from behind him, and piles of our friends come out to hug him, congratulating him as he laughs and tells us a very gross play-by-play. He comes over to me, and he gives me a hug like we’re two chicks, but I hug him back until he finally pulls away.

He moves on to Wren and Rye, and then he pretty much sprints back to the room. “Oh!” he calls out, grinning ear-to-ear. “We’re naming her Autumn, but calling her Fall for short.”

Trip is his son, so I guess Fall makes sense. Well, if any of that makes sense.

I move to the waiting room with everyone else as they all talk about different things they’ve bought. I realize I really am an ass, considering I haven’t bought a damn thing.

It looks like it’s going to be a while before we get to go back, so I decide to head out and buy a gift. Just as I reach the elevator, Bella is stepping off with a couple of wrapped presents in her hands.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance